ちなみに、notを付けると真偽が逆転します。≠≠と書いても逆にはなりませんよ!==の例 set variable=hoge if %variable%==hoge echo 変数の中身はhogeだよ if not %variable% == fuga ( echo 変数の中身はfugaじゃないよ ) else ( echo 変数の中身はfugaだよ ) こんな感じです。ちなみに実行...
$ExdiInstallDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($(Get-ExdiInstallPath)) if (-not (Test-Path $ExdiInstallDir)) { Write-Host "Currently Registered exdi server does not exist. Reinstalling..." return $false } elseif (-not ((Test-Path "$ExdiInstallDir\exdiConfigData.xml") ...
wpeinit :ChkVar :: Locating USB Device IF NOT DEFINED usbdrv ( ECHO list vol | diskpart | find "INSTALL_WIN7" > pt.txt FOR /F "tokens=3" %%a IN (pt.txt) DO ( SET usbdrv=%%a^: ) del pt.txt /f /q IF EXIST %usbdrv%\InstallOS.bat call InstallOS....
privatevoidButton1_Click(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e){// Set FontMustExist to true, which causes message box error// if the user enters a font that does not exist.FontDialog1.FontMustExist =true;// Associate the method handling the Apply event with the event.FontDialog1.Apply...
{ Write-Host "Error : $taskname is not exist." exit } if ($taskstate -eq "Disabled") { Write-Host "$taskname is $taskstate : nothing to do." } elseif ($taskstate -eq "Ready") { Write-Host -NoNewLine "Start $taskname immediately... " #Start-ScheduledTask -taskname $task...
and using theDrawmethod. To run this example, place it in a form containing a button namedButton1. The example assumes the existence ofFeatherTexture.bmpandGone Fishing.bmpat c:\Windows\. Change the example accordingly if the bitmaps do not exist on your system, or exist at another location...
Service Name. Specify the service name. Default name isMongoDB. If you already have a service with the specified name, you must choose another name. Data Directory. Specify the data directory, which corresponds to the--dbpath. If the directory does not exist, the installer will create the ...
@if not "%ECHO%" == "" echo %ECHO% @if "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" setlocal set DIRNAME=%CD% rem オプションの設定ファイルを読み込みます。 if "x%RUN_CONF%" == "x" ( set "RUN_CONF=%DIRNAME%\run.conf.bat" ) if exist "%RUN_CONF%" ( ...
bFound) return ("OUT_DATA=ERROR^" + Mac + " does not exist in the Provisioning Database.^"); String sStr = "OUT_DATA=PROVISION^" + cmtsIp + "^" + modemIp + "^"; return (sStr); } catch (SQLException se) { String sError = "OUT_DATA=ERROR^" + se.getMessage() + "^"...