有大佬遇到过这种情况..有大佬遇到过这种情况吗?D3D11 fullscreen windowed那一行后面的10bit/8bit,电脑刚开机这边显示的是10bit,因为电脑一直挂着pt,电脑开着两天后就会变成8bit,无论
为什么打开QQ后,D..在没打开QQ前,potplayer播放器全屏时,按ctrl+j显示信息时,D3D11 fullscreen windowed(10 bit)。但一打开QQ,potplayer播放器全屏时,D3D11
Solved: When i play a game on full screen windowed mode like Destiny 2 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey and i play a video on YouTube or on Windows media player or
11 I use a Virtual Machine, as long as you have a fairly good PC it'll work fine. I know virtual box works but I've never used the M$ 'Virtual PC' , attached screenshot shows it working tho. For Windows (XP SP3 & later) users: ...
jennydaman commented Dec 11, 2023 • edited @EvilBoi123 that would be the desirable behavior. In “controlling character” mode, I believe the game tries to “lock” the cursor to the center of the screen (that’s what happens on Windows). When I play Genshin on Hyprland, if I mo...
I modified the boing example that comes with GLFW to test windowed fullscreen mode in OS X, due to issues with it in my game. I get the following result (yes this is a photo made with my phone, I suck with OS X, just borrowed someone's M...
So basically when I try to run Valorant it lags, the only way for it to not lag is to be in Windowed mode. Windowed fullscreen and Fullscreen both lag. I'm running a AOC 240hz 1080p monitor. Also the clock speed of the gpu tanks down to 140-200mhz in Ful
我为chrome 和 firefox 制作的一个小扩展,因为我真的不喜欢普通的全屏。 它将自身注入每个页面,并用弹出窗口替换HTMLElement.prototype.requestFullscreen (或浏览器特定版本)以进入窗口、窗口或图片模式。 对我来说重要的是切换到窗口时视频/页面不会重新加载。 模式 尽管我想创建一个非常简约的扩展,但每次你想进入...
(10 and 11) install, uninstalling apex/steam then deleting all files and clean installing, and many other things including much simpler trouble shooting. I had the same experience as you when I tried windowed mode but I wanted to find another solution to run fullscreen. I recently did a...
DX12 windowed screen tearing was not restored with that configuration. The root cause of the issue may be a Windows 11 bug/change or configuration issue with my system. I will retest with a fresh reinstallation of Windows 11 in the future. You may close this topic. Translate 0 Kudos...