UPDATES Auto-Toggle has now been implemented. -There is now a OPTIONS page with 3 new options. To go there, either click the icon in your browser, or head to Edge://extensions and click on Details for Youtube Windowed FullScreen and click the "Extension Options". Please note some Short...
especially when it is near the edge of the progress bar and bobs up and down with play/pause; 2) Among Miniplayer, Theater mode, and Full screen, there is still a very useful browser-based fullscreen mode missing. Unfortunately, Google hasn’t been in the mood to improve its YouTube pl...
This extension will not reload the video you are watching, nor use some custom controls: it puts the website in its own fullscreen mode. It will present you with a small menu when you click fullscreen, so you can choose to go fullscreen or windowed. Confirmed to work (and yes, I...
Might be enough for Microsoft's extension review dralletje committed Aug 7, 2020 22f85be Commits on Jul 28, 2020 Push? dralletje committed Jul 28, 2020 1752e28 Commits on Feb 13, 2020 Fixed a bug where I try to find the fullscreen element in the popup's… … dralletje com...