Dust had collected on the window - sill. 窗台上积了灰尘. 互联网 He neatly aligned the flower - pots on the window - sill. 他整齐地把花盆一字排在窗台上. 互联网 The raindrops fall, spraying the window sill. 雨滴落下, 在窗台上迸溅出一朵朵美丽的水花. ...
Window sillLorenz JekerChristian BrennerHans Vogt
Windowsill stood side, slightly cool breeze was blowing winds, giving a kind of poetic feeling.(站在窗台边,微微凉风拂面吹来,给人一种诗情画意的感觉。) Then read the second grade, there is a boring class I go God, Take the windowsill of the linked play.(那时候读二年级,有一次上课我无聊...
Entrance of a little girl leaning on thewindowsilland gaze toward the beckoning her boy. 入口处一个小女孩倚在窗台上,向着仰头注视她的男孩儿招手. 期刊摘选 He pushed the window open and put a vase of flowers on thewindowsill. 他推开窗户,把一瓶花放在窗台上. ...
"sill of a window," 1703, from window (n.) + sill (n.). See origin and meaning of window-sill.
美[ˈwɪndoʊˌsɪl] 英[ˈwɪndəʊˌsɪl] n.窗沿;窗台 网络窗槛;床槛;窗台板 复数:windowsills 同义词 n. ledge,window ledge,sill,shelf 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 windowsill 显示所有例句 n. 1. 窗沿;窗台a narrow shelf below a window, either inside or outside ...
Windowsill是指窗户的窗台,通常是位于窗户下方的水平平台。它的地位在许多人的家中十分重要,因为它可以用来盛放室内植物,书籍和其他小物品。同时,它也可以提供一个地方供人们坐下或者放置饮料,享受窗外的景色。 Windowsill被赋予了许多用途,它在室内装修时也占据了重要地位。:windowsill的种类和物料 Wi...
window sill n.the sill of a window; the horizontal member at the bottom of the window frame 同义词:windowsill 学习怎么用 双语例句 用作名词(n.) There are dots of soot on the window sill. 窗台上有一点烟灰。 She painted the window sills a bright colour. ...
美['wɪndo,sɪl] windowsill 基本解释 n. 窗沿,窗台 windowsill 网络释义 n. [建] 窗台;[建] 窗沿 windowsill 词性变化 名词复数形式:windowsills 中文词源 windowsill 窗台 window,窗户,sill,窗台,门槛。 词组短语 1、dustlesswindowsill无尘窗台...