window.location.href>>"<>" 该属性(以及本节其他大多数属性)是可读/可写属性,这意味着可以通过赋值被更改。如果完成赋值操作,当前页面将会使用新的属性值进行重新加载。比如说,输入下面的代码到浏览器的控制台中,浏览器将会重定向到指定页面: 代码语言:javascrip...
JavaScript - Window Object - The JavaScript window object represents the browser's window. In JavaScript, a 'window' object is a global object. It contains the various methods and properties that we can use to access and manipulate the current browser wi
Represents the browser window, frame window or dialog window of a HTML document. The window object provides various information about the window (name, navigator, location, history, etc.), provides access to the document contained by the window and suppo
JSON:JavaScript Object Notation(JSON)是一种轻量级的数据交换格式,JavaScript可以很方便地解析和生成...
在JavaScript 中,我们可以通过document对象的defaultView属性来获取当前文档所在的 window 对象。 // 获取当前元素所在的 window 对象varelement=document.getElementById('myElement');varwindowObject=element.ownerDocument.defaultView; 1. 2. 3. 以上代码中,我们首先通过document.getElementById方法获取了 id 为myElemen...
在项目使用了window.print绑定在某个打印button以调用打印功能。但此时遇到了一种情况导致无法成功呼出打印界面:页面中可能通过object标签插入了pdf的显示,此时再调用window.print无法呼出打印页面 调查了一下发现是因为通过object引入对象,导致window对象发生了改变但尝试了半天找不回原来那个window对象,也无法唤出打印方法...
JavaScript window Object Properties window.closed- Used when handling multiple windows, this property indicates whether a window has been closed or not. window.defaultstatus / window.status-defaultstatusspecifies the default message displayed in the browser status bar.statusspecifies a temporary message to...
1<!DOCTYPE html>2<html>3<head>4<title></title>5<scripttype="text/javascript">6/*7BOM: Browser Object Model 浏览器对象模型8提供了访问和操作浏览器各组件的方式910window: 浏览器窗口 JS中最大的对象, 其它对象都是它的子对象11location: 地址栏12histroy: 浏览记录13screen: 显示器屏幕 获取屏幕的... Property in Window Object of Javascript Syntax with Examples by.Laya window.length Property in Window Object of Javascript Syntax with Examples by.Laya Top authors Hot Updates UPSTREAM_NOT_FOUND [519] AWS Lightsail SSH not working in Bugs And Solutions of Programmer Bug Solutions ...