这使得普通程序可以创建限制权限的进程(Restricted Processes)。 你也可以在ImpersonatedLoggedOnUser函数中使用限制版本的主要访问令牌和模拟访问令牌。 调用IsTokenRestricted函数,可以检查一个访问令牌是否包含一个限制SIDs列表。 注释:使用限制访问令牌的应用程序应该运行在限制程序的桌面,而不是默认的桌面。这样做很有必要...
resx due to its being in the Internet or Restricted zone or having the mark of the web on the file. Error no value given for one or more required parameters.' select from excelsheet Error Number 53 from SqlConnection.Open() error on opening a C# generated pdf file error reading mime mu...
IsAdditionalPdpContextProfile (Windows) ProfileCreationType (in ModemDMConfigProfile) (Windows) IPixEngine5Callbacks::LoadTextureFromFileComplete method (Windows) ISpatialAudioObjectForHrtf::GetBuffer method (Windows) PtrdiffTToInt function (Windows) IInkRecognitionResult::GetAlternatesFromSelection method (...
Records management means the systematic control of all records from creation or receipt through processing, distribution, maintenance and retrieval, to their ultimate disposition. Stormwater management planning area means the geographic area for which a stormwater management planning agency is authorized to ...
The dimensions of a new window are specified by its numerical width and height. However, they are restricted to a minimum width or height to prevent the creation of an invisible window . This limitation is denoted by the symbol limiting users . ...
Restricted-use computers or devices: You might have certain computers, machines, or devices on which certain people (accounts) should not typically perform any actions.Monitor the targetComputer:(or other target device) for actions performed by the“Subject\Account Name”that you are concerned about...
由女性产生的旺盛消费需求和消费能力,正在催生多个新的经济增长点,“她经济”成为投资新风口。这说明 ( ) ①生产决定消费的质量和水平 ②消费拉动经济增长,促进生产发展 ③消费对生产具有重要的反作用 ④新产业的成长取决于新消费热点的出现
Important note: this function is restricted for system administrator use only. Set Sample Text... [S] Opens the Set Sample Text dialog which may be used to set the default sample text used by the main window. Help > Help... Displays on-line man pages in the help dialog. About Font ...
Restricted-use computers or devices: You might have certain computers, machines, or devices on which certain people (accounts) should not typically perform any actions. For example, you might have computers to which connections should not be made from certain accounts or addresses.Monitor the target...
energy creation 4 energy source 5 engine 5 engineering 9 England 2 English 9 English beer 5 English countryside 1 enter 3 enter here 1 enterprise 2 entertainment 65 entomology 2 entrance 5 entrepreneur 3 entry 4 environment 212 environmental 5 environmentalism 5 eolic...