WindowActivationState UnityEngine.XR Classes Interfaces Enumerations Attributes Assemblies UnityEditor Unity OtherWindowActivationStateenumeration描述 指定引发 windowActivated 事件的一系列原因。变量 CodeActivated 窗口已激活。 Deactivated 窗口已停用。 PointerActivated 窗口已由指针交互激活。Did...
设置可在其中找到所有 KMS SRV 记录的特定 DNS 域。如果特定的单 KMS 主机通过 /skms 选项进行设置,则此设置无效。/ckms-domain [Activation ID]清除可在其中找到所有 KMS SRV 记录的特定 DNS 域。如果特定的 KMS 主机通过 /skms 进行设置,则将使用该 KMS 主机。否则,将使用默认的 KMS 自动...
Windows既可关联到Ext.WindowGroup或籍由Ext.WindowManager来管理, 提供分组(grouping),活动(activation),置前/置后(to front/back)或其它应用程序特定的功能。 缺省状态下,窗体都渲染到document.body。要强制constrain窗体以某个元素为依托就要使用renderTo方法。2.例:/...
Informs an in-place VSPackage object of important window activation events. C++/CX Αντιγραφή public: int OnWindowActivate(unsigned int dwWindowType, int fActivate); Parameters dwWindowType UInt32 [in] Specifies the type of window that is being activated. For a li...
Activation Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExtensions Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService Windows.ApplicationModel.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls Windows.ApplicationModel....
cdkid said: Helpfile: ControlFocus WinActive GuiCtrlSetState with $GUI_FOCUS While 1 Look up those things, and you should be able to make your script. ~cdkid I had to use a flag but it works fine, thanks cdkid My code is something like that : ...
Occurs when script running inside of the window encounters a run-time error. GotFocus Occurs when the current window obtains user input focus. Load Occurs when the window's document and all of its elements have finished initializing. LostFocus Occurs when user input focus has left the window....
Informs an in-place VSPackage object of important window activation events. C++/CX Kopírovat public: int OnWindowActivate(unsigned int dwWindowType, int fActivate); Parameters dwWindowType UInt32 [in] Specifies the type of window that is being activated. For a list of valid ...
Activation Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExtensions Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.DataProvider Windows.ApplicationModel.AppService Windows.ApplicationModel.Background Windows.ApplicationModel.Calls Windows.ApplicationModel....
Fired when a resource failed to load, or can't be used. For example, if a script has an execution error or an image can't be found or is invalid. languagechange Fired at the global scope object when the user's preferred language changes. resize Fired when the window has been resized...