Occurs when there is a change in the keyboard or mouse button state during a drag-and-drop operation. (Inherited from UIElement) QueryCursor Occurs when the cursor is requested to display. This event is raised on an element each time that the mouse pointer moves to a new location, whic...
To change the visual structure and visual behavior of a ChildWindow, copy and modify its default style and template. For more information, see Control Customization. To apply a template to the whole ChildWindow control, including the overlay, chrome, and content areas, set the Templat...
IVsFreeThreadedFileChangeEvents IVsFreeThreadedFileChangeEvents2 IVsGeneratorProgress IVsGetCfgProvider IVsGetScciProviderInterface IVsGlobals2 IVsGlobalsCallback2 IVsGlobalSearch IVsGlobalSearchCallback IVsGlobalSearchTask IVsGlobalSearchUI IVsGlobalSearchUIResultsCategory...
languagechange Fired at the global scope object when the user's preferred language changes. resize Fired when the window has been resized. storage Fired when a storage area (localStorage or sessionStorage) has been modified in the context of another document.Clipboard...
languagechange Fired at the global scope object when the user's preferred language changes. resize Fired when the window has been resized. storage Fired when a storage area (localStorage or sessionStorage) has been modified in the context of another document.Clipboard...
window.onlanguagechange // languagechange的监听函数。 window.onmessage // message事件的监听函数。 window.onmessageerror // MessageError事件的监听函数。 window.onoffline // offline事件的监听函数。 window.ononline // online事件的监听函数。 window.onpagehide // pagehide事件的监听函数。 window.on...
Command modifiers can be used to change your command before running: letg:asyncrun_program=get(g:,'asyncrun_program', {})letg:asyncrun_program.nice={ opts->'nice -5'. opts.cmd } When you are using: :AsyncRun -program=nicels-la
NaturalLanguage 網路 NetworkExtension NotificationCenter ObjCRuntime Opengl OpenTK PdfKit 照片 PhotosUI PrintCore QTKit 擷取者 QuickLook QuickLookUI SafariServices SceneKit ScriptingBridge SearchKit 安全性 社交 SpriteKit StoreKit 系統 System.Net.Http SystemConfiguration UserNotifications VideoSubscriberAccount ...
Add change language fucntion Add win drag function Remove welcome message Deactive functions which not worked well on Windows 10 + It is built withAutoHotkey. ( In Chinese ) 少数派 - 小巧灵活,高效可靠,Windows 快捷分屏应用:GridMove -https://sspai.com/post/75557 ...
Important If you install a language pack after you install this update, you must reinstall this update. Therefore, we recommend that you install any language packs that you need before you install this update. For more informati...