publicboolActivate(); 傳回 Boolean 如果已成功啟動Window則為true,否則為false。 備註 判斷是否啟動視窗的規則,與 Win32SetForegroundWindow函式 (User32.dll) 所使用的規則相同。 如果在不是使用者前景應用程式的Windows Presentation Foundation應用程式中啟動視窗,Activated則會引發 事件。
Describe the bug If Activate is called on a Window which is in the background of other windows, that window is not activated and brought to the foreground. If the window is minimized it works correctly. Steps to reproduce the bug Call Ac...
1.git 是基本配置,没有一定要安装,后续Stable Diffusion会自己clone一些东西 2.N卡的 CUDA ,这东西要和Pytorch版本匹配,我安装的是 12.3 版本,直接去官网下载安装就可以了,C盘需要一定的空间 3.pytorch 库, 我用的Pytorch 是目前...
This script has been created in batch to activate windows 10 or 11 for free windows active-window windows-10 english windows-11 windows-10-activation free-activation-win10 w10-free w10-free-activation windows-11-activation win11-free-activation w11-free-activation w11-free Updated Sep 16, 202...
git clone 2、创建虚拟环境 conda create -n stable_diffusion python=3.10.6 conda activate stable_diffusion 3、下载权重文件 该文件只使用一个模型就可以顺利部署,下载后放入models/Stable-diffusion目录下 ...
conda create -n tensorflow1 pip python=3.6activate tensorflow1 如果是CPU就输入 conda install tensorflow=1.15.0如果是GPU 就输入 conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.15.0conda install-c anaconda protobuf pip install-i pillowpip install -i
conda activate ollama 1. ④.安装依赖 进入项目目录 cd /home/ollama/ollama 1. 执行安装命令 pip install -r llm/llama.cpp/requirements.txt 1. 如果报错,就多装几次,可能网络时间太长断开了。 ④.构建量化工具 如果没有make命令则安装一个make ...
Lifetime Management: Activate, Activated, Close, Closed, Closing, Deactivated, Hide, IsActive, Show, SourceInitialized.Window Management: GetWindow, OwnedWindows, Owner.Appearance and Behavior: AllowsTransparency, ContentRendered, DragMove, Icon, Left, LocationChanged, ResizeMode, RestoreBounds, Show...
conda activate your_env_name 安装python库的时候可以用其他源: 代码语言:javascript 复制 pip install-i some-package 2 Nvidia设置 笔者之前设置过,跳过 3 stable-diffusion-webui 安装 此时需要从GITGHUB把sd-webui拉下来,地址:
首先在终端下打开tensorflow环境,在win10下开启终端cmd,执行以下指令: Copy #首先进入ssh环境下的终端目录ssh -p2486username@x.x.x.x activate#等效于运行anconda prompt指令conda activate tensorflow24gpu 先执行以下指令安装jupyter notebook,安装过了就不用安装了,直接跳过下一步 ...