The windfall elimination provision affects both Social Security and disability benefits. It calculates a fair benefit that is proportional to the number of years that you had substantial earnings from an eligible job (one that withheld FICA). WEP reductions are applied on a sliding scale. If you ...
The Social Security Windfall Elimination Provision: Issssues and Replacement AlternativesIntroductionThe Social Security Administration (SSA) pays retirement and disability benefits to...Springstead, Glenn R.Social Security AdministrationSocial Security Bulletin...
The article discusses a unique provision for individuals who quality for both Social Security benefits and for pensions from work that is not subject to or included in the U.S. Social Security system. It cites the need to diversify post-work income to protect a retiree from outliving ...
Social Security: The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)G. Kollmann
2014a. "The Social Security Windfall Elimination and Government Pension Offset Provisions for Public Employees in the Health and Retirement Study". Social Security Bulletin 74(3): 55-69.Gustman, A. L., Steinmeier, T. L., and Tabatabai, N. (2014). The Social Security Windfall Elimination ...
Gustman, Alan L., Thomas L. Steinmeier, and Nahid Tabatabai. 2014a. "The Social Security Windfall Elimination and Government Pension Offset Provisions for Public Employees in the Health and Retirement Study". Social Security Bulletin 74(3): 55-69....
Social Security: The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) [June 30, 2015]Gary SidorLibrary of Congress. Congressional Research ServiceLibrary of Congress. Congressional Research Service
The distributional effects of the Social Security windfall elimination provision *[J] . JEFFREY R. BROWN,SCOTT J. WEISBENNER.Journal of Pension Economics and Finance . 2013 (4)Brown, Jeffrey R. and Scott J. Weisbenner. 2013. "The Distributional Effects of the Social Security Windfall ...
Government Pension Offset and Windfall Elimination Provisions of the Social Security AdministrationThe GPO and WEP are two provisions of the act that reduce the Social Security benefits of non-covered workers who become entitled to Social Security either through a spouse or by working the requisite ...
In an effort to downward-adjust Social Security benefits for worker who held both covered and noncovered employment, Congress enacted the Windfall Elimination Provision in 1983. This article presents and examines the Windfall Elimination Provision highlighting inherent problems in its design, which ...