name and a stack frame number are specifiedinthecommandline, ClrStack will show you the parameters and/or localsforthat frame, and will also show you the fieldsforthat variable name you specified. Here are some examples: !ClrStack -i -a : This will show you all parameters and localsforall...
ClrStack -i -a 3 : This will show you all parameters and locals, for frame 3 !ClrStack -i var1 0 : This will show you the fields of 'var1' for frame 0 !ClrStack -i 2 : This will show you the fields of 'var1', and expand '' to show you the fields of...
UsbKitApp.exe Symbol Type: PDB - Symbols loaded successfully from image header. C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\Debug\UsbKitApp.pdb Compiler: Resource - front end [0.0 bld 0] - back end [9.0 bld 21022] Load Report: private symbols & lines, not source indexed C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\Debug...
DBGHELP: e:\symbols_own\backup\symbols\dll\ntdll.pdb - file not found DBGHELP: e:\symbols_own\backup\dll\ntdll.pdb - file not found DBGHELP: ntdll.pdb - file not found *** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for ntdll.dll DBGHELP: ntdll - no symbols loaded ...
Greetings, I am debugging a driver in the primitive state using windbg with 2 systems. Initially, I had some problems getting symbols loaded and breakpoints set, but it seemed to resolve itself somehow. The error I …
RetAddr 是当前函数(即调用站点下所列函数)执行完毕后的返回地址。该地址对应于下一个(较低)堆栈帧中显示的位置。例如,在最上面一帧的 RetAddr 上运行 List Nearest Symbols(ln)命令,就会映射到最上面一帧下面一帧的 Call Site 下所列函数和偏移量。
在启动调试会话之前,通过在管理程序 CMD.exe 中运行以下命令来设置希望 WinDBG 使用的符号路径。如果已经设置了变量 _NT_SYMBOL_PATH,则无需运行此命令。 setx _NT_SYMBOL_PATH SRV*C:\symsrv* 2.启动目标进程 ...
UsbKitApp.exe Symbol Type: PDB - Symbols loaded successfully from image header. C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\Debug\UsbKitApp.pdb Compiler: Resource - front end [0.0 bld 0] - back end [9.0 bld 21022] Load Report: private symbols & lines, not source indexed C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\...
See the output window, it will show all the loaded symbols. After Visual Studio stops loading the symbols, load SOS by typing the following command in the immediate window ( Alt+Ctl+I ) .load C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vx.x.xxxx\SOS ...
UsbKitApp.exe Symbol Type: PDB - Symbols loaded successfully from image header. C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\Debug\UsbKitApp.pdb Compiler: Resource - front end [0.0 bld 0] - back end [9.0 bld 21022] Load Report: private symbols & lines, not source indexed C:\Trunk\CY001\UsbKitApp\...