Windbg is a native debugger and you can use it to set a breakpoint on a virtual address. Any managed code running within the process wouldn’t have a virtual address associated with it until it is JIT compiled. Thus setting a breakpoint on a managed function is a bit tricky in Windbg....
You can set a breakpoint that is conditional on a register value. 你可以设置一个断点,其条件是某个寄存器的值 The following command will break at the beginning of themyFunctionfunction if theeax register is equal to 0xA3: 下面的命令将会在eax寄存器等于0xA3时,在myFunction函数的开始处断下来 0:...
Sometimes its not very straight forward to put breakpoints on generic functions or functions in generic classes. Typing the full class name correctly could be non trivial and frustrating. Here is something which I always follow:Use method descriptors with bpmd instead. The syntax is ...
breakpoint so hardware breakpoints cannot beset. Go to the executable's entry point and set it then. 初始断点后系统会重设线程上下文,因此不能设置硬件断点,建议执行到程序的入口后再设置 0:002>ba e1 00bc1b3a breakpoint0redefined0:002>r dr0 dr0=00bc1b3a...
断点被激活前需要忽略的剩余次数,后面是在圆括号中的初始次数。(这种断点的更多信息,查看bp, bu, bm (Set Breakpoint)中对Passes参数的说明。) 关联的进程和线程。如果线程是用三个星号("***")表示的,说明这不是一个指定线程的断点。 符合断点地址的模块和函数以及偏移。如果是未定断点,这里会用括号括起来的...
If we can get the return address for our function of interest, we can put breakpoint on that address checking for eax register value (return value is always stored in eax register when function returns). And that way, we can break while returning the function if particular va...
bu(未解决的断点,Breakpoint Unresolved)命令在断点处延迟执行,直到模块被加载,到达这个点之后windbg将访问DriverEntry,因为没有什么要做的,可以按F5(你也可以键入g,即“Go”)。 接下来,拷贝ioctlapp.exe和sioctl.sys到目标机的一个地方,比如C:\Temp\IOCTL,用管理员特权登录到系统,在一个命令窗里把C:\Temp\IOC...
the recommended way to set conditional breakpoints was to use thej (Execute If - Else)command or the.iftoken, followed by thegc (Go from Conditional Breakpoint)command. While these methods of setting conditional breakpoints are no longer recommended, they do still function and you may see this...
A quickexplanation of these breakpointsis in order. The first one is anormal location breakpointset on the line number 21 of myclass.cpp. We can easily do this because we have the source code of the COM component. In the case of the second (SysFreeString) breakpoint, we are going as ...
!thread 扩展显示有关目标系统上线程的摘要信息,包括 ETHREAD 块。 此命令只能在内核模式调试期间使用。此扩展命令与 .thread(设置寄存器上下文)命令不同。语法dbgcmd 复制 !thread [-p] [-t] [Address [Flags]] 参数-p 显示有关拥有线程的进程的摘要信息。