bp `ConsoleTest.cpp:40` ".if (poi(pVar)>5) {}; {g}" // ".if (Condition) {Optional Commands}; {g}" 条件断点 pVar指针指向的值>5,执行空语句(;),断住 否则继续执行 bp `ConsoleTest.cpp:40` "j (poi(pVar)>5) ' '; 'g'" // "j (Condition) 'Optional Commands'; 'g'" j为...
32位的dump使用32位windbg调试,64位dump使用64位windbg调试。 D:\Documents\source\Notepad++ release 8.4.2\notepad-plus-plus-notepad-plus-plus-a02a254\PowerEditor\bin64 7 加载符号 自行编译notepad++就是为了产生符号文件。下面的分析会用到符号的解析: 加载方法:File->Symbol File Path… 8 基本指令 8.1 ...
显示或者转储调试目标数据 产生转储文件的.dump- Create Dump File 将原始内存数据写到文件的.writemem- Write Memory to File 显示调试会话时间的.time- Display System Time 显示线程时间的.ttime- Display Thread Times 显示任务列表的.tlist- List Process IDs 以不同格式显示数字的.formats- Show Number Formats...
通过创建一个摘要报告,显示文件日期范围、***文件、文件用户以及最早和***访问时间,从而大致了解文件系统或庞大目录里面的内容,这有助于表明文件集合有多新、多重要,还能帮助文件用户确定是不是该清理一下了。 原文标题:Handy commands for profiling your Unix file systems...
–.dump FileName : Dump small memory image into FileName. –.dump /ma FileName : Dump complete memory image into FileName. Locks –!locks : Display all kernel mode locks held on resources by threads. –!qlocks : Display the state of all queued spin locks. ...
windbg –z "c:\mydumpfile.dmp" // 调试mydumpfile.dmp文件 .opendump "c:\mydumpfile.dmp" // 调试mydumpfile.dmp文件 windbg -y d:\mySymbols // 指示symbol路径 windbg -srcpath d:\Src // 指示源文件路径 windbg -i d:\myApp //指示exe、dll等可执行模块路径 ...
Debugger Commands Debugger Commands Syntax Rules Command Tokens Commands Meta-Commands General Extension Commands General Extension Commands !acl !address !analyze !asd !atom !bitcount !blackboxbsd !blackboxscm !chksym !chkimg !cppexr !cpuid !cs !cxr !dh !dlls !dml_proc !dumpfa !envvar !error...
Debugger Commands Using WinDbg WinDbg - Overview WinDbg - Release notes WinDbg - Command line startup options WinDbg – Settings and workspaces WinDbg – Keyboard shortcuts WinDbg - Start a user-mode session WinDbg - Start a kernel mode session WinDbg - Start a remote, process or dump file ses...
Both breakpoints containcommands to be executedwhen the breakpoint is hit. For the breakpoint in myclass, we will dump the address of the BSTR being returned by SysAllocString. For the SysFreeString we will dump the contents of location ebp+8 (so that we get the BSTR address being passed...
通过".dump /m" 或 ".dump" 来获得 CLR 数据的子集,仅适合使用 SOS 的命令的子集,一些 SOS 命令可能失败。 默认值为 0。 !AnalyzeOOM (ao) !AnalyzeOOM 显示最后一个 OOM 的信息。 参考资料 Common WinDbg Commands WinDbg cheat sheet SOS.dll (SOS Debugging Extension) 那些年黑了你的微软BUG 本文转...