Wind turbine power curve estima- tion based on cluster center fuzzy logic modelling. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, vol. 96, pp. 611-620, 2008.T. Ustuntas and A. Sahin, "Wind turbine power curve estimation based on cluster center fuzzy logic modeling," J. Wind ...
A data-based estimation of the wind-power curve in wind turbines may be a challenging task due to the presence of anomalous data, possibly due to wrong sensor reads, operation halts, malfunctions or other. In this study, the authors describe a data-based procedure to build a robust and ac...
The purpose of this work is to calculate the wind turbine power curve by using fast Gaussian Processes (GP) regression [19] for the filter step and ANN for the final modelling on the filtered data. We show that the use of GP filtering improves the power curve calculation no matter the ...
Being able to calculate the aerodynamic loads is also needed to calculate the power production for a given wind speed and is thus an important element in the optimization process minimizing the LCoE. The objective of this chapter is to describe the aerodynamics of a wind turbine both ...
Wind Turbine Structural Dynamics- A Review of the Principles for Modern Power Generation 热度: InfluenceofOptimisedPower CurvetotheEnergyOutput LutzBeyland 07.12.2009 ControlSystemsandAutomationofWindPowerPlants Master-CourseWind-Engineering WS2009/2010 ...
In the field of wind power generation, the power curve of wind turbine is an important basis for the design of control system in the design process, and it is also an important indicator for assessing the performance of wind turbine and evaluating the power generation capacity of wind turbine...
Four data-mining approaches for wind turbine power curve monitoring are compared. Power curve monitoring can be applied to evaluate the turbine power output and detect deviations, causing financial loss. In this research, cluster center fuzzy logic, neural network, and kappa-nearest neighbor models ...
•A model of wind power curve is developed from industrial data.•Wind power and speed data is clustered.•Support vector machine algorithm is applied to construct the model.•The model captures dynamic behavior of the wind turbine.•Computational results demonstrate effectiveness of the ...
The power demand and the generator reference speed is as per the wind turbine characteristic power performance curve. Derating control: This mode is active above the rated wind speed. The power demand and the generator reference speed is kept constant based on the rating of the wind turbine. ...
by a wind turbine. The quantity of power produced by the turbine in a specific area is contingent upon both the wind speed at the tower height and the turbine׳s velocity attributes. To determine the resulting power output, the following equation (Borowy and Salameh, 1996) can be employed...