2. close down, close, dissolve, terminate, liquidate, put something into liquidation The bank seems determined to wind up the company. wind up end up, be left, find yourself, finish up, fetch up (informal), land up, end your days You're going to wind up a bitter and lonely old man...
2. close down, close, dissolve, terminate, liquidate, put something into liquidation The bank seems determined to wind up the company. wind up end up, be left, find yourself, finish up, fetch up (informal), land up, end your days You're going to wind up a bitter and lonely old man...
Five men in their cups are just too much for me. Up to three, I do very well but—" Gerald hastily interrupted to change the subject. He could feel his own daughters snickering behind his back as they remembered in what condition he had come home from the Wilkeses' last barbecue the...
The streets close down at 3pm and all kinds of food and drink vendors move in and set up shop. Other than games for children, it is all eating and drinking. It’s a big party that takes up many square blocks. The Japanese may be normally reserved in most things, but they definitely...
A wind turbine takes the kinetic energy from the air molecules in the wind and converts it into useable energy. A wind turbine can be set up to generate either mechanical orelectrical energy. Mechanical power is used to perform a specific and immediate task, like pumping water or grinding gr...
and a nice mess he made of it. Last year it was house-boating, and we all had to go and stay with him in his house-boat, and pretend we liked it. He was going to spend the rest of his life in a house-boat. It’s all the same, whatever he takes up; he gets tired of it...
Windass Takes Hull to Promised LandCHAMPIONSHIP PLAY-OFF FINALTownsend, Nick
It’s not the writing that takes time, it’s finding and downloading the photos to go with the stories. Since we hope to leave for Mexico next week, I give up. Too much going on to work on it now. Just going to post this without finshing the photos. Sorry. I know that’s ...
They’re common sights farther up the river, but this is the first time we’ve seen one this far south. We stare in awe, nearly holding our breaths. Then just as we go to take a picture, it takes flight, majestic wings flapping gracefully. It’s an eagle! (White head near center)...
2. close down, close, dissolve, terminate, liquidate, put something into liquidation The bank seems determined to wind up the company. wind up end up, be left, find yourself, finish up, fetch up (informal), land up, end your days You're going to wind up a bitter and lonely old man...