Or use our wind forecast to find the wind speed today in Trah or to have a look at the wind direction tomorrow at Trah. Severe Weather Warnings When a severe weather warning or advisory is provided by the local meteorological institute, we display it as a banner above the wind forecast...
The meaning of WIND is a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally. How to use wind in a sentence.
Beaufort The Beaufort wind scale is a standard scale, running from force 0 for calm to force 12 hurricane and above for the description of wind speed. Each value represents a specific range and classification of wind speeds with accompanying descriptions of the effects on surface features. It wa...
the measurement of wind speed and direction, often by an anemometrograph. — anemometric, anemometrical, adj. anemophilia wind-loving, said of plants that are fertilized only through the action of winds. — anemophile, n. — anemophilous, adj. anemophobia an abnormal fear of drafts or wind...
For converting between wind speed units such as knots, km/h (kilometers per hour), m/s (meters per second), and mph (miles per hour) use our wind speed calculator. Help If you need more information about our wind report for Sonthofen, have a look at our help section. ...
The growing revolution in wind energy encourages for more accurate models for wind speed forecasting and wind power generation prediction. This paper presents a new technique for wind speed forecasting based on using a time series model relating the predicted interval to its corresponding one and two...
Multiply the wind speed given in knots or KTS by 1.15 to obtain the equivalent speed in miles per hour (MPH). For example, a wind speed of 6.0 KTS is equivalent to a wind speed of 6.0 x 1.15 = 6.9 MPH. Step 2 Divide the wind speed given in MPH by 1.15 to obtain the equivalent...
day. At least 10 people were killed and 6 million lost power--the most in Florida history. Wilma was recorded as a Category 5 at the lowest pressure ever in the Atlantic Basin while still offshore and as the most rapidly intensifying with a 105 mph increase in wind speed in just a ...
World Record for Fastest Wind Speed The fastest wind speed ever recorded comes from a hurricane gust. On April 10, 1996, Tropical Cyclone Olivia (a hurricane) passed by Barrow Island, Australia. It was the equivalent of a Category 4 hurricane at the time, 254 mph (408 km/h). ...
Gust wind is defined (by WMO) as “Maximum value, over the observing cycle, of the 3-second running average wind speed“ and measured in meters per second (m/s), kilometres per hour (km/h), miles per hour (mph), knots (kn) or Beaufort (bf), usually for 10 or 80 meters above ...