Wind Speed:Miles per hour (mph)Knots (kts)Kilometers per hour (km/h)Meters per second (m/s)Beaufort (bft) Results Beaufort wind force:7 (Near Gale) Knots (kts):30.41 Miles per hour (mph):35 Kilometers per hour (km/h):56.33 ...
Wind SpeedCurrent Conditions °F°C Fair16° 7° Feels Like S 6mph Wind 65% Humidity 10mi Visibility 29.59in Pressure 6° Dew Point More Weather CBS News Chicago — Watch Live 24/7 Weather One more sunny day before snow arrives in Chicago 2H ago 02:11 Radars...
Average wind speed of the current measurement interval in meters per second (ms), kilometers per second (km), sea miles [...] 当前度量时段内的平均风速,单位为 米/秒(ms)、千米/秒 (km)、海里/小时 (knots) 或(陆地)里/小时 (mph) 。 [...] even,...
通常,我们提到风速时,可能会用到单数形式,如"wind speed",这可能会让人感到略微奇特,尤其是在提及具体风暴如Gustav时。然而,"wind speeds"则特指风暴中的最高风速,此时使用复数形式是恰当的,它强调了多次达到的峰值。此外,"winds"一词在特定上下文中,特别是当多次提及Gustav的风速时,可以作为...
第一个wind speed是指Gustav的风速,用复数会让人感到奇怪吧。第二个wind speeds是top wind speeds,指风暴多次达到最高风速,所以用复数可以理解。用winds直接表示风速,这只是在前面多次提到Gustav的风速的情况下才可以。英语中为了避免过于频繁地使用同一个单词而造成的“审美疲劳”,在下文中有时会...
With this simple unit conversion tool, you can quickly convert any wind speed from an initial unit (miles per hour, feet per second, meters per second, knots, and kilometers per hour) to all other units listed. This is very helpful when you quickly need to see what one measure equates...
Divide the wind speed given in MPH by 1.15 to obtain the equivalent speed in KTS. For example, a wind speed of 10.0 MPH is equivalent to a wind speed of 10.0/1.15 = 8.7 KTS. Step 3 Compare wind speeds with the same units. For example, a wind speed of 6.5 MPH is slower than a ...
Wind speed Units of Measure knots, m/s, km/h, mph, ft/min, Beaufort (B) Accuracy ±3% of reading or ±0.1 m/s Range 0.6 to 40 m/s DESCRIPTION The Kestrel 1000 pocket anemometer is the first and entry level of the Kestrel range, providing the user with accurate wind speed readings...
1 km/h = 0.2778 m/s = 54.68 ft/min = 0.6214 mph = 0.5396 knot Download and print Wind Chill Index chart Wind Chill Index - Wind Speed inmphand Temperature indegrees Fahrenheit The "Chilled" air temperature can also be expressed as a function of wind velocity and ambient air temperature ...
The Beaufort wind scale is a standard scale, running from force 0 for calm to force 12 hurricane and above for the description of wind speed. Each value represents a specific range and classification of wind speeds with accompanying descriptions of the effects on surface features. It was origina...