The meaning of WIND is a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally. How to use wind in a sentence.
The maximum instantaneous (0.5 Hz) wind speed recorded was 23.07 m s−1 at a height of 3.28 m, and the accumulated time of strong wind events, as defined in ‘Methods’, accounted for 6.87% of the total monitoring time. It is worth noting that the sand flux in Fig. ...
The meaning of WIND is a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally. How to use wind in a sentence.
A similar law can be derived for wind power density, but the exponent will be 3α, because the power density is proportional to the cube of the wind speed. This increase of wind power density with height is the driving force behind the trend toward increasingly tall wind turbine towers. ...
Low returned period wind speed of 1 year, 5year and 10 years of the construction ground and designed wind speed sections without the typhoon influences were achieved by wind climate analysis. And two group effects conditions of current surrounding buildings group and future buildings group were ...
We determined that the wind tunnel underestimates the angle of attack of the equilibrium point observed in free flight by 15 degrees, while the equilibrium velocity has an error of 0.1 m/s between the two sets at an average flight speed of 2 m/s. 展开 ...
gale-forcewinds 大风级的风 牛津词典 a lightwind 小风 牛津词典 a north/south/east/westwind 北/ 南 / 东 / 西风 牛津词典 a chill/cold/bitingwindfrom the north 冷飕飕的 / 寒冷的 / 刺骨的北风 牛津词典 Thewindis blowing from the south. ...
Wind Speed and Rotational Speed Monitoring Unloading System High-Efficiency Wind Power Controller US$660.00-5,000.00 / set 1.5kw-100kw High-Efficiency Wind Power Controller Touch Screen Remote Control US$660.00-5,000.00 / set Wind Turbine Controller Power Optimiza...
The meaning of WIND is a natural movement of air of any velocity; especially : the earth's air or the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally. How to use wind in a sentence.
5 : to make ineffective as a binding force break the spell 6a : to defeat utterly and end as an effective force : destroy used starvation to break the enemy b : to crush the spirit of brutal methods broke the prisoner c : to make tractable or submissive: such as (1) past ...