Wind Speed Conversion Calculator Wind Speed:Miles per hour (mph)Knots (kts)Kilometers per hour (km/h)Meters per second (m/s)Beaufort (bft) Results Beaufort wind force:7 (Near Gale) Knots (kts):30.41 Miles per hour (mph):35 Kilometers per hour (km/h):56.33 ...
Convert wind units like wind speed, distances & wind directions. See the wind speed table for wind impact on land & sea and for easy unit conversion.
Multiply the wind speed given in knots or KTS by 1.15 to obtain the equivalent speed in miles per hour (MPH). For example, a wind speed of 6.0 KTS is equivalent to a wind speed of 6.0 x 1.15 = 6.9 MPH. Step 2 Divide the wind speed given in MPH by 1.15 to obtain the equivalent ...
More wind and weather tools from Windfinder Units and conversion For convenient conversions between wind speed units such as knots, km/h (kilometers per hour), m/s (meters per second), and mph (miles per hour), you can use our wind speed calculator. ...
The Unit of Wind Speed Normally we use the following unit as the wind speed: M/S, MPH, KTS, FT/S, KMH, Wind Speed Unit Conversion From the user, we are given a wind value and the unit to convert. To convert between miles per hour (mph) and knots (kts): ...
1. Nautical As close as possible to the direction the wind is blowing from. 2. Close to danger. down the wind Nautical Downwind. in the wind Likely to occur; in the offing: Big changes are in the wind. into the wind Nautical In the same or nearly the same direction as the wind is...
3. Select the wind speed unit between mph, knots, m/s, km/h. We also have "Wind Speed Unit Converter" so that you can convert among miles per hour (mph), knot, meter per second (m/s), feet per second (ft/s) and kilometer per hour (km/h). ...
Well, a headwind approximately the same speed as your running pace is estimated to slow you down by around 12 seconds per mile, whereas a tailwind is estimated to increase your speed by approximately 6 seconds per mile. In other words, the negative effects of a headwind are roughly double ...
> boxplot(airquality$wind, xlab="Wind", ylab="Speed(mph)") Error in plot.window(xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, log = log, yaxs = pars$yaxs) : 'ylim'值不能是无限的 In addition: Warning messages: 1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf 2: In max(x) :...
aCompare the actual airspeed with the desired airspeed, which is 80 kph (49 mph) during cruise flight. The actual airspeed can be higher than the desired speed when the UX5 is coping with a high head wind. The maximum airspeed is 90 kph (56 mph). 正在翻译,请等待...[translate]...