Equation (9) represents both the active and reactive power of the AG-based wind turbine system, where the value 1.5 expresses that the generator is a three-phase generator13,20. $$\left\{\begin{array}{l}{Q}_{s}=1.5\times (- {I}_{qs}\times {V}_{ds}+{V}_{qs}\times {I}_{...
124 3.1 Basic assumptions and equation derivation... 124 3.2 Principle of virtual work and FE approximations ... 127 4 Multi-component systems ... 129 4.1 Reformulation of the dynamic equations ... 129 4.2 Connection conditions...
Equation (5) represents torque (Te) and the relationship that relates torque with speed53,58. This equation is used to know the evolution of the AG speed, whereTerepresents the electromagnetic torque,IdrandIqrare the rotor current linkages, andΩis the speed of the AG. $$ \left\{ {\begi...
Concepts of shallow and deep convection are presented related to enough accurate approximations of the momentum equation, that is, perturbation approximations to momentum and energetic budget from Dutton and Fichtl. Among the select concepts, some derivation about the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory ...
Note that the factored stiffness matrix from analysis is also directly reusable in this equation. The adjoint vector is then inserted into Eq. (37), yielding the general adjoint sensitivity expression, see Eq. (40). $$\frac{{\textrm{d}}f}{{\textrm{d}}x^{(j)}} = \frac{\partial f...
Pu, F.-S. Wei, The power spectrum of interplanetary Alfvénic fluctuations: Derivation of the goveming equation and its solution, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 9695, 1984. Article ADS Google Scholar Tu, C.-Y., J.W. Freeman, R.E. Lopez, The proton temperature and the total hourly ...
2. Ps and Qs are the stator's active and reactive power output, Pr and Qr are the active and reactive power injected by the rotor, and s is the slip rate of the doubly-fed machine. According to Fig. 2, the equation can be listed:{U˙s=jXm(I˙Γ−I Voltage cooperative control ...
The response used in this equation is the angular acceleration which can be obtained by applying a derivation operation on the angular velocity measurements, or the second derivation on the angular displacement measurements. The sign of u1,i is determined based on the direction of rotation of ji....
To further understand the mechanisms of wind-driven ocean circulation changes that induce an eastern equatorial Pacific warming, we analyzed the ocean mixed layer heat budget following previous studies42,43. The ocean surface mixed-layer budget equation is: ...
This term is the momentum tendency, which is treated the same as \(f_t\) and can be regarded as the momentum sink in the momentum equation. In Baidya Roy et al. (2004), \(C_{{ KE }}\) is taken to be equal to the turbine’s power coefficient \(C_P\). For the TKE source...