I do not for a moment believe that we do not have Climate Change which has occured on a cyclical basis for Millions of years, long before the evolution of mankind or even mammals, influenced very clearly by our local star the Sun and intermittently by techtonic & volcanic influences with th...
Die neue Strategie mit dem Titel „Together for change – Wind for a sustainable future" („Gemeinsam für Wandel – Wind für eine nachhaltige Zukunft") dient uns als Kompass und spiegelt unseren integ- rativen Ansatz wider: gemeinsam an der Umsetzung der Maßnahmen zu arbeiten, um...
their arbitrary rules, and their poor customer service, we could make a difference; we could force them to change and put honesty before profits- or at least, “more’ of the profits towards being honest and fair.
It can be seen while the two sunspot records differ considerably, the resulting SBW is not sensitive to the choice of sunspot record. In particular, the change in SBW between the mod- ern era (e.g., 1960-present) and the MM is very similar for the two sunspot number records. Thus ...
Nordex SE Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2020 Einführung Strategie & Governance Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement Handlungsfelder Weitere Informationen 15 Darüber hinaus arbeitet die Nordex Group seit Anfang 2020 im Rahmen der Exzellenzinitiative „Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS)" mit der Universität ...
Right now I’m leaning more toward the she’s-possibly-insane-and-wants-Young-as-a-living-doll side of things, but as with all things in this show, it’s subject to change.Likewise, if we just based our perception of Soo from his actions we’d think he got the better end of the...
Probably not. And while I suppose it’s possible for eye color to change with sickness, how the hell would his hair change? Has he been dyeing his hair every morning and he didn’t have the energy for it today? That would explain a lot. But since that hasn’t been established, I ...
The largest N2 value used relates to a density change of ~1 kg/m3 over a depth of 20 m. In lakes, this density change is equivalent to a top-to-bottom temperature difference of ~6 ◦C. The third scenario (C) consists of a shallow surface mixed layer, 2-m thick, that a ...
The wave breaking and white-capping, enhance the turbulence in the OSBL, drive mass and gas transfer between the ocean and the lower atmosphere [19,27] and change the ocean surface albedo [28,29]. From a wave-climate point of view, the need for a qualitative analysis of the wave-field...
30 days after we change the fingerprint prediction data auto deletes: if it fails to establish a good crowd-blending score within 2 weeks 40 days after last seen web tracing and traffic history auto discards: after 60 days Example Data Models Prediction Samples Purpose: learn and predict br...