WIND Mobile has deployed 20 Microsoft Surface units throughout their mobile stores in Canada last month. Surface is running the “Power of Conversation” application, a consultative tool which allows customers to compare devices and plans side-by-side, helping to identify the options that work best...
WIND Mobile, Canada’s plucky underdog carrier, has updated their service plans across the board. The base $20 and $30 plans have both been bumped up by $5, but the $25 plan now includes Canada-wide calling. The WINDtab subsidy on the $35 plan has been increased to $150 from $100...
现有的Wind客户将会被自动转移到Freedom Mobile的系统,所有的费用、折扣以及合同条款都不受影响。 加拿大头条(ID:canadanews)小编去该电话公司网站查看,发现目前LTE网络正在进行黑五大促销,只要和Freedom Mobile签约1年,每月元,就可以享受两倍流量套餐计划,计划包括6GB的流量、北美无限通话、全球无限短信、语音来电等项目。
Wind Mobile is the probably the fastest growing mobile company in Canada. For the time being it only serves some big cities through out Canada. The cities it servers are Toronto, Mississauga, Scarborough, Richmond Hill and all other areas inside greater Toronto Area. The point of selling of W...
Wind Mobile, which is controlled by the Egyptian group Orascom, has been found to be ineligible to operate in Canada. It is noted that Wind Mobile has the spectrum but cannot use it as Canada and the U.S. have rules that telecommunication operators cannot be controlled by foreigners....
Canada's Wind Mobile has rebranded Freedom Mobile as it looks to move into a new phase of maturity under new owner, Shaw Communications. The upside is this: while the orange-and-blue branding remains intact, Wind's transition to Freedom Mobile decouples it from the often-controversial gl...
Canada's Wind Mobile has stated that it too will be carrying the upcoming BlackBerry Priv, though pricing and availability for the carrier have yet to be announced.
Read the latest user reviews about Wind Mobile in Canada, Ontario. Consumer complaints and company contact information.
Wind Mobile 现新增无限套餐,每月仅需35元,计划包含以下服务,点击查看套餐详情,查看Wind网络覆盖区域。建议先了解Wind在你活动区域内的信号情况再办理计划。 无限Data,超过2GB后将限速至下载256kb上传128kb; 无限加拿大通话、短信; 无限加拿大美国图片视频彩信; 自购手机150元Credits 或 150元WINDtab; 语音留言; Caller...
WIND is Canada’s fifth largest carrier with a little over half-a-million subscribers and is currently owned by VimpelCom Ltd., based out of the Netherlands. The offer from Verizon has apparently sent a shiver down the spines of the big three Canadian carriers’ stocks at the prospect of ...