Among the many animated versions of Kenneth Grahame’s nursery classic The Wind in the Willows, two in particular stand out: The 1996 BBC version directed by Dave Unwin, and this 1983 version by Mark Hall and Chris Taylor.Directed by Mark Hall and Chris Taylor. Richard Pearson, Ian Carmichae...
THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS的创作者 ··· 肯尼斯·格雷厄姆 作者 作者简介 ··· 莱曼•弗兰克•鲍姆,美国著名作家及剧作家,美国儿童文学之父。出生于美国纽约的一个富庶企业主家庭,从小患有先天性心脏病,童年时代几乎都是在阅读中度过。成年后曾先后从事过记者、编辑、演员、公司职员等各种职业。1880年...
Like the Peter Rabbit episodes, The Wind in the Willows begins and ends with charming live-action sequences, this time featuring a narrator (Vanessa Redgrave) telling the story to some children. Once again episodes and dialogue are drawn straight from the source material, though with Grahame’s...