【马林巴独奏系列02】《竹林》安倍圭子演奏者:Nina的樂事屋主理人--Nina还有很多不足,大神们多多指教哦!!(∩▽∩), 视频播放量 1366、弹幕量 0、点赞数 34、投硬币枚数 12、收藏人数 21、转发人数 19, 视频作者 Nina的乐事屋, 作者简介 ,相关视频:学习马林巴一年半
马林巴专业乐曲五十首(按难度排序)TOP 50 MARIMBA SOLOS TIER LIST (in order of difficulty) 930 -- 12:13 App 马林巴独奏 Caritas - Michael Burritt 218 -- 4:53 App 马林巴独奏 Little Windows - Keiko Abe 231 -- 6:22 App 马林巴独奏 Memories of the Seashore - Keiko Abe 3684 1 1:18...
爱给网提供海量的免费商用 (cc协议)资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为mp3 格式的竹林风(Wind in the bamboo grove), 本站编号35676424, 该免费商用 (cc协议)素材大小为11m, 时长为04:40, 声道为立体声, 音质为HQ高品质, 比特率为320k, 采样率为48000k, 该素材已被下载:568次,许可范围为可商用,协议名称为...
竹林风(Wind in the bamboo grove) 基特峰山顶灌木丛中的风(Wind blowing in the bush on the top of Kitt Peak mountain) 夜晚森林中的篝火(campfire in a forest at night) 脚步声-走路-森林中-踩在草地-踩在树叶-伴有鸟叫声(免费可商用) 作品集: 走路 4首 萤火虫的无损视听盛宴 1年前 微风...
About the bamboo grove a cold temple, his Confucian I the monk few immortal, in the wind on a human of earthen mound stands, categorically denies wants to become an immortal, you wait for nearby a person to stand, hundred colt crack spatial deep sigh, has lowered the head the language ...
> Wind In The Bamboo Grove 表演者: Evelyn Glennie Keiko Abe Minoru Miki Takayoshi Yoshioka Akira Yuyama Christopher Laurence Ralph Salmins Edward Beckett Gary Kettel Gregory Knowles 唱片数: 1 条型码: 0090266819324 发行时间: 1995-09-12 唱片名: Wind In The Bamboo Grove 出版者: RCA 介质: ...
Spring wind in February as sharp as scissors. 《登鹳雀楼》(唐·王之涣) 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 Beyond the hill, the fairest sun sofalls. Towards the sea, the Yellow River rolls. If thou desir’st to catch a grander sight, ...
Bamboo Guesthouse Bournemouth Bank Cottage B&B Newport Barbie House ,Opposite The Beach & Paignton Pier , 2 Bedroom Apartment With Private Car Space & Garden , Free Access Next Door To The Stunning Ballet & Make Up School & A Beautiful Ladys Beauty Salon (Adults Only) Barclay Court Guest...
the merchandise was shipped商品被运输 were handled by middlemen 由中间商处理 native to… 来自原产地… the world’s sole producer 全球唯一的生产商 Byzantine emperor 拜占庭君主 Constantinople 君士坦丁堡 smuggled silkworm eggs 走私蚕卵 concealed in a hollow bamboo walking canes 藏在空的竹拐杖中 ...
About the bamboo grove a cold temple, his Confucian I the monk few immortal, in the wind on a human of earthen mound stands, categorically denies wants to become an immortal, you wait for nearby a person to stand, hundred colt crack spatial deep sigh, has lowered the head the language ...