Exxon Mobil has agreed to pay $600,000 in penalties after approximately 85 migratory birds died of exposure to hydrocarbons at some of its natural gas facilities across the Midwest. The fine amounts to about $7,000 per dead bird. The oil company pleaded guilty to causing the deaths of wate...
Similarly, the obtained results also reveal that the dismantling issue and avifaunal impact are considered as minor aspects. This may be explained by the relatively low bird mortality in the area under study, compared to coal power plants. Some studies considering avifaunal impact and estimating coll...
Sampling was conducted on 12 May, and 19–20 May 2022 with an exposure time of 24 h, respectively. The passive samplers were harvested on the next day, sealed immediately in glass vials (Agilent Technologies), and stored at −20°C until GC-MS analysis (see 2.6.4.). 2.6.4. ...
There are also two active authorizations that allow non-serious injury, specifically auditory injury, from "exposure to noise from pile driving." Benjamin Laws, NOAA Fisheries deputy chief for the permits and conservation division, told reporters that "no injury, and certainly no mortality," ...
In Section [6], I point out the true indicator of the feasibility of renewables.If electricity generation using wind and solar energy are truly helpful to the economy, they will generate a great deal of taxable income.They will not require the subsidy of going first, or any other subsidy....
Towards a conservative assessment of possible leakage and moisture damage, zones with large WDR exposure should be identified and analyzed. Climate-based indices can be used as fast methods to provide an initial estimate of the level of risk of moisture-induced damage, and to assess the severity...
Ignition of a material will be dependent on material properties and the magnitude and duration of heat flux exposure. For materials often used within cladding, the literature gives pilot ignition (in the presence of direct flame) for vertical orientation of at least 11 kW/m2 for many woods and...
The use of chemical solvents, which may be expensive and lead to toxicity problems in case of occupational exposure and/or releases to the environment, as well as the difficulty to recycle them remain issues to overcome. Therefore, due to the process temperatures and pressures needed, the use ...
Suffice it to say, we went on a CALM day, and we never expected the wave we got, its immense power, or our unfortunate exposure to such danger. So, rewind back to post-Annie rock-roll. Like I said, I did not believe I was hurt that bad. No broken bones (that I knew of at ...
This method could be also helpful for estimating the potential risk of exposure to various pollen types.doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.01.085José María Maya-Manzanomagdalena sadysRafael Tormo MolinaSantiago Fernández RodríguezAngela Gonzalo Garijo...