//判断当前World为Earth(注:其他星体可通过名字判断) if(ParentApplication.WorldWindow.CurrentWorld.IsEarth) {//初始化VE插件控制窗体 m_Form=newVirtualEarthForm(ParentApplication); m_Form.Owner=ParentApplication; //添加VE插件菜单 m_MenuItem=newMenuItem("MicroSoft VirtualEarth"); m_MenuItem.Click+=ne...
"particleHeight" is the distance from the surface of earth. Particles lower than the terrain will be overlapped. Why are some particles not overlapped by higher terrain? Because sometimes the depth test for particles is not accurate enough. This problem is similar withZ-fighting, the cause is ...
2.Main()中后面调用MainApplication()方法,该MainApplication()调用OpenStartupWorld(),用来初始化启动World对象。OpenStartupWorld()方法首先确定加载的是Earth/Moon等,然后开始加载一个星球。 加载一个星球代码 3.我们看看InitializePluginCompiler()如何加载插件的? 初始化PluginCompiler 4.加载启动插件函数的代码 加载...
Define windily. windily synonyms, windily pronunciation, windily translation, English dictionary definition of windily. adj. wind·i·er , wind·i·est 1. Characterized by or abounding in wind: a windy night. 2. Open to the wind; unsheltered: a windy ter
Wind Engineering is best defined as "the rational treatment of interactions between wind in the atmospheric boundary layer and man and his works on the surface of Earth". The International Association for Wind Engineering promotes international co-operation among scientists, engineers and other ...
Earth’s rotation We’ll have wind in the world as long as these conditions are met. This means that we can turn as much of it into energy as we want, and there’ll always be more. Are Wind Turbines Efficient? Just because wind turbines generate sustainable energy doesn’t mean that ...
Nature Reviews Earth & Environment volume 1, pages 627–643 (2020)Cite this article 5980 Accesses 77 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Wind energy is a virtually carbon-free and pollution-free electricity source, with global wind resources greatly exceeding electricity demand. Accordingly, the ...
Wind power simulation onearth.nullschool.net Typically, such a visualization in the browser relies on the Canvas 2D API and roughly works like this: Generate an array of random particle positions on screen and draw the particles. For each particle, query the wind data to get the particle speed...
First to create higher resolution forecasts faster and cheaper than CPU-based forecasts First to develop a GPU software-as-a-service weather forecast system In this blog post, we’ll share how TempoQuest leveraged accelerated computing from NVIDIA on Microsoft Azure to move the traditional Weather ...
Pull requests Actions Security Insights Additional navigation options master 1Branch0Tags Code README MIT license 3D-Wind-FieldDemo Visualize the wind on earth, powered byCesium JS. More detail is in this blog post:GPU Powered Wind Visualization With Cesium ...