EXAMPLE OF ENERGY LOSS IN A 24 MW WIND FARM Studies show even small wind direction measurement errors have a dramatic negative impact on total wind farm power output. *Resource assesment carried out in windPRO to study how incorrect wind direction measurements can dampen the power output in a ...
direction and wind velocity measuring instrument to accurately measure the direction and velocity of an air current generated in a closed space even when the air current is very weak and, at the same time, to make the handling and operation of the instrument easier at the time of measurement....
1.(Physical Geography) Also called:wind gaugean instrument for recording the speed and often the direction of winds 2.any instrument that measures the rate of movement of a fluid anemometric,ˌanemoˈmetricaladj Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © Harper...
The wind speed measurement at automatic weather stations usually adopts only the single-channel acquiring and processing circuit. 自动站测量风速通常只有1路采集处理电路,为了实现多路风速同时测量,针对多路风速测量的特点,设计了基于中断控制器的硬件电路,利用中断方式进行软件计数的方法实现了8路风速同时测量。 更...
WIND VELOCITY MEASUREMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD A wind anemometer comprises a light source for transmitting pulsed light signals, a receiver for receiving backscattered signals from airborne particles for each pulse of the transmitted pulsed light signals, a detector for detecting the......
The exposure of the building can be classified into two categories (open country and suburban) depending on the wind direction. A roof corner panel with 12 tappings has been constructed as a separate unit and has been attached to the roof. Instrumentation for the measurement of mean pressures ...
The wind direction can be obtained with an additional measurement in the orthogonal direction by a second pair of sensors. 展开 关键词: measurement ultrasound wind speed wind direction 会议名称: Renewable Power Generation Conference 会议时间: 23 January 2014 ...
Secondly there is the direct action of the wind stress at the sea surface. The sea level gradients lead to storm surges at the coast, with the threat of coastal flooding. Sizeable currents can be generated during the setting up and relaxing of the sea level gradients. Measurement of these ...
Turbulence was assumed to be a superposition of “eddies”—coherent patterns of velocity and pressure—spanning a wide range of space and time scales. More sophisticated measurement and visualization techniques applied from the mid 1960s onward, however, began to reveal that different turbulent flows...
We compiled a very extensive dataset utilizing nine portable sensor array modules – each endowed with eight metal oxide gas sensors – positioned at six different line locations normal to the wind direction, creating thereby a total number of 54 measurement locations. In particular, our dataset con...