Current Wind Direction Map for the United StatesCurrent Weather Maps for the United States Current Temperature · Wind Chill · Heat Index · Dew Points · WeatherWind Speed · Wind Direction · Flight Rules · Barometric Pressure · Visibility...
View a global map of wind stations with the latest observations of wind speed and direction, plus surf spots and wave buoys for surf and swell observations and forecasts.
Wind map with live wind radar & worldwide wind forecast. See live weather reports, wind speed & waves for kite- & windsurfing, sailing, fishing & hiking.
Last year, Fernanda Viégas and Martin Wattenberg of the siteHint.FMpulled near real-time data from theNational Digital Forecast Database, to create adynamic wind mapof the United States. Now, Cameron Beccario has taken it one step further and create a wind map of the entire Earth. Simply ...
wind direction. Click on any location on earth to see a pop-up with coordinates and wind speed. Click on the earth text in the lower left hand corner to access more controls. From there, you can change the heights for the wind velocity readings, step back in time to see different wind...
wind rose,mapdiagram that summarizes information about thewindat a particular location over a specified time period. A wind rose was also, before the use of magnetic compasses, a guide on mariners’ charts to show the directions of the eight principal winds. The modern wind rose used by meteo...
[Game Bar] If the anchor direction of the tooltip is set to the top, then the system message will also be displayed at the top. [LFG List] Optimize the layout of the LFG List, and added a tooltip that can display the details of affixes in each levels. ...
I’m a cyclist and live by this App. It’s the first thing I open in the morning. Love the map. Perfect overview. — SucMar All the wind and weather features, and more Everything you need for that perfect day outside Free forever ...
+ Animated wind map for a global wind overview + Small Wind Widgets (current conditions) + New: Severe weather warnings for the US and Europe + Measurements listed in knots, Beaufort, mph, km/h and m/s + Parameters: Wind speed, wind direction, gusts, air temperature, felt temperature, ...
It is always difficult to determine beach conditions, when most weather apps give a direction only. This app shows the actual direction on a map. I can tell, if there will be a sea breeze or land breeze during the day. There may be a breeze out of the south, but the nuances along ...