Wind, air, zephyr, breeze, blast, gust refer to a quantity of air set in motion naturally. Wind applies to any such air in motion, blowing with whatever degree of gentleness or violence. Air, usually poetical, applies to a very gentle motion of the air. Zephyr, also poetical, refers to...
In the same direction the wind is blowing. close to/near the wind 1. Nautical As close as possible to the direction the wind is blowing from. 2. Close to danger. down the wind Nautical Downwind. in the wind Likely to occur; in the offing: Big changes are in the wind. into the win...
您所在地的详细风力和天气预报以及天气信息。 查看风力、波浪、潮汐和天气报告以及当前风力测量数据,以便您自己进行天气预测。 简单易用,布局清晰。 功能: + 详细的风力和天气预报,覆盖地点超过 160,000 个 + 实时显示 21,000 多个气象站的当前风力和天气测量数据
Of special significance is the dominance of the topographic effect which acts to produce barotropic currents, which are much larger than those in a flat bottom basin and which flow in a direction along the depth contours. It is shown that these currents are controlled by the component of wind...
免费在线预览全文 Wind-Induced Vibration Control 1.1 Preview It has been discussed in previous chapters that long-span cable-supported bridges are susceptible to flutter instability, vortex-induced vibration, buffeting-induced vibration, vehicle-wind-bridge interac- tion, multiple loading-induced fatigu...
2.1.2Development Direction and Outlook Turbine Technology Technology for expanding single-unit capacity. Providing a stable and adequate supply of wind power with least impact on people’s lives, offshore regions are one of the focus areas for developing wind power. The large single-...
A plugin for Leaflet to add visualisation overlay of wind direction, wind velocity, and temperature. To use this plugin, you will need to run your ownwind-js-serverinstance. The data is 1 degree, 6 hourly data fromNOAA. leaflet-velocity released ...
The information is very well put together, easy to understand and be able to see the forecast via a quick glance. Don’t feel like I need a degree in meteorology to read the app like most of the other wind apps out there. However, the forecasts are about 80% at best. Sometimes if ...
Figure 2: Conversion relationship amongUcomponent,Vcomponent, wind speed, and wind direction.wdir10mrepresents the direction at 10 meters,θrepresents the degree of wind direction;spd10mrepresents the wind speed at 10 meters,U10mandV10mrepresent the decomposed wind speeds, calculated via the equations...
being able to attach to the feather of the turbine in wind force Drive unit the wind direction positioner, adjusting to wind direction and being guided properly to degree of multilateral the wind it does, can capture the wind force where in addition the turbine blade is strong.< Choice figure...