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Get Wind Cave information, facts, photos, and more in this Wind Cave National Park guide from National Geographic.
Wind Cave is the sixth-longest cave and the first cave in the world to be designated as a National Park.
Wind Cave National Park Parks Directory of the United States/US National Parks/National Parks Address:26611 US Hwy 385 Hot Springs, SD 57747 Phone:605-745-4600 Fax:605-745-4207 Web:www.nps.gov/wica/ Size:28,295 acres. Established:Established on January 9, 1903. Wind Cave National Game Pr...
709,001 people visited Wind Cave in 2021. A table showing all years can be found atWind Cave Visitation Stats. Wind Cave was made a national park on January 9, 1903. What are the highest and lowest elevations in Wind Cave National Park?
Pictures of Wind Cave National Park, Rockies and Prairie. Part of gallery of color pictures of US National Parks by professional photographer QT Luong, available as prints or for licensing.