Come visit the Winchester Mystery house today and unlock the secrets Sarah Winchester’s beautiful but bizarre estate. Buy tickets today!
Come visit the Winchester Mystery house today and unlock the secrets Sarah Winchester’s beautiful but bizarre estate. Buy tickets today!
Check out the Winchester Mystery House online store to browse and purchase licensed merchandise! From unique souvenirs to comfy apparel, we've got something for everyone. Don't miss out - click the link to start shopping now!
The Winchester Mystery House is truly amystery(神秘). It is a beautiful house. Butafter her baby daughter and husband died,nobody knows why Sarah built so many rooms, andadded so many strange(奇怪的) things to it! Shekept building non-stop for 36 years! The house has160 rooms, 6 kitc...
温彻斯特神秘屋(Winchester Mystery House)🏡是旧金山的特殊存在,尽管是在充满科技感的硅谷,也依然罩着一层神秘古怪的面纱。美剧《邪恶力量》的原型就是这座像谜一样神秘的温彻斯特神秘屋👻。围绕着这座宅邸的各种神秘传说吸引着大量游客。这座为安抚“亡灵”建造的古怪房子于1884年动土兴建,持续了三十八年才建造...
A particularly odd delight is a cabinet that, when opened, extends through 30 rooms of the house. Who Was Sarah Winchester? Sarah Winchester was born in New Haven, where she was part of East Coast society. In 1862, she married William Wirt Winchester, the only son of Oliver Winchester,...
这座叫Winchester Mystery house“温彻斯特神秘屋”的是由一个叫做萨拉·温彻斯特的寡妇在19世纪末投资建造的,她的丈夫威廉·温彻斯特是美国著名的“温彻斯特步枪”的发明者,当丈夫温彻斯特和他们唯一的一名女儿突然去世后,悲痛欲绝的萨拉去拜访了一名“占星者”,这名“占星者”对她称,她丈夫发明的步枪造成了许多人的死...
Ghost.Adventures.S05E04.Winchester.Mystery.House 42:30 Ghost.Adventures.S05E05.Lizzie.Borden.House 42:29 Ghost.Adventures.S05E06.Letchworth.Village 42:30 42:28 Ghost.Adventures.S05E09.Rose.Hall 42:30 Ghost.Adventures.S05E10.Old.Charleston...
The Winchester Mystery House in San JoseSarah WinchesterSituated in the heart of San Jose is a convoluted maze of hallways and rooms making up a palatial mansion of 160 rooms. The entire Queen Anne Style Victorian mansion was born from the mind of one Sarah Winchester, multi-millionaire and ...
A 65 minute guided tour through 110 of the 160 rooms. Guests will be able to see the infamous rooms of Sarah’s stately mansion, known around the world as the Winchester Mystery House®, and see the unique attributes that give the mysterious mansion its name. With the purchase of th...