The Winchester Mystery House, located in San Jose, California, stands as an architectural enigma, captivating visitors with its puzzling design and rich history interwoven with mystery and legend. This sprawling mansion was constructed over the span of three decades, from 1886 to 1922, under the g...
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Winchester Mystery House加州知名建筑 温切斯特神秘屋始建于1884年,直到萨拉去世后才停止建造,前后共历时38年。为了适于冤魂居住,神秘屋在设计上非常怪异和神秘。38年时间中,萨拉不停地建造“温彻斯特神秘屋”,房子一间间不断增加,倒塌、又不断重建,直到萨拉1922年去世后,“温彻斯特神秘屋”才停止建造,直到...
这座叫Winchester Mystery house“温彻斯特神秘屋”的是由一个叫做萨拉·温彻斯特的寡妇在19世纪末投资建造的,她的丈夫威廉·温彻斯特是美国著名的“温彻斯特步枪”的发明者,当丈夫温彻斯特和他们唯一的一名女儿突然去世后,悲痛欲绝的萨拉去拜访了一名“占星者”,这名“占星者”对她称,她丈夫发明的步枪造成了许多人的死...
温彻斯特神秘屋(Winchester Mystery House)🏡是旧金山的特殊存在,尽管是在充满科技感的硅谷,也依然罩着一层神秘古怪的面纱。美剧《邪恶力量》的原型就是这座像谜一样神秘的温彻斯特神秘屋👻。围绕着这座宅邸的各种神秘传说吸引着大量游客。这座为安抚“亡灵”建造的古怪房子于1884年动土兴建,持续了三十八年才建造...
The Winchester Mystery House is the work of one woman, Sarah Lockwood Pardee Winchester. Born in 1839 in New Haven, Connecticut, she was the daughter of Leonard Pardee and Sarah Burns and was named for her mother. At age 23, in 1862, Sarah married William Wirt Winchester. William was the...
这座叫Winchester Mystery house“温彻斯特神秘屋”的是由一个叫做萨拉·温彻斯特的寡妇在19世纪末投资建造的,她的丈夫威廉·温彻斯特是美国著名的“温彻斯特步枪”的发明者,当丈夫温彻斯特和他们唯一的一名女儿突然去世后,悲痛欲绝的萨拉去拜访了一名“占星者”,这名“占星者”对她称,她丈夫发明的步枪造成了许多人的死...
3 History 3.1 Background 3.2 Winchester Mystery House 4 Quotes 5 Gallery 6 Trivia 7 References 8 Site NavigationAppearanceSarah Winchester is a beautiful petite woman with long black hair, which she typically keeps tied up with a fringe at the front. While mourning the loss of her husband an...
Winchester Mystery House: Historical Landmark Comes to Life for HalloweenShannon BarryMilpitas Post
Website: Historic Sites History Museums Pullman San Francisco Bay Situated in Redwood City, between San Francisco and San Jose, this 4-star hotel offers a convenient location for exploring Silicon Valley and San Francisco CA. Hours: 12:03 AM - 12:00 AM to...