Winchester District Memorial Hospital Hospital Winchester District Memorial Hospital is a rural teaching hospital located in Winchester, Ontario. Winchester District Memorial Hospital is situated 340 metres southwest of Winchester Press.North Dundas Town hall Photo: P199, CC BY-SA 3.0. North Dundas ...
Improving patient preparedness for the operating room: A quality improvement study in Winchester District Memorial Hospital -- A rural hospital in OntarioONTARIOBEHAVIOR modificationCOMMUNICATIONINTERPROFESSIONAL relationsOPERATING roomsPATIENT satisfaction
The Winchester District Memorial Hospital (Photo : WDMH) WINCHESTER, Ontario – The WDMH Foundation has received $95,193 in grant funding from the CMA Foundation’s COVID-19 Community Hospital Fund. The funds will be used to purchase new equipment and to support focused training and educat...
Proceeds from the evening will go to the Foundation’s General Equipment Fund. Many people are surprised to learn that the provincial government does not fund the purchase of medical equipment for Ontario hospitals. That’s where the WDMH Foundation and our generous donors come in. To register ...
Ontariopre-operativequality improvementrural hospitalsurgery departmentIntroduction: Full completion of the pre-operative checklist is important for proper preparation of patients before they enter the operating room (OR), thus increasing OR efficiency. It is also critical for patient safety and successful...