cmd运行命令行> cd DEVKIT > ruby dk.rb init #生成config.yml,这里会检查将要添加DevKit支持的Ruby列表,只支持通过RubyInstaller安装的Ruby #如果这里列出的Ruby与你的要求不符,可以手动修改 > ruby dk.rb review #检查要添加DevKit支持的Ruby列表是否有误,可以略过 > ruby dk.rb install [INFO] Updating conv...
gem sources -u 3、安装DevKit 想要继续安装gem包,发现报错(是这步吧?忘记了) Please update your PATH to include build tools or download the DevKit 报错的时候还给出了提示信息,说明了解决方案, 1. 到 去下载dev kit 2. 按照
(windows请安装1.9以上2.3以下版本的ruby) ———– ———-第二步:安装gem...5. gem sources -u 更新源的缓存 ———– ———-第三步:安装Devkit———- 安装 DevKit-mingw64-64-4.7.2-20130224-1432...在E:\Devkit 里面找到 config.yml,在里面 加上 – C:\Ruby22-x64 (C:\Ruby22-x64 为r...
我用MinGW-w64时想生成32位exe,发现从github上下载的Mingw-build除sjlj版本外无法使用-m32参数,用的为64位13.2的GCC和v11的MinGW-w64,所以我应该怎么弄才能生成32位程序?我还在mingww64官网上看见一个w64devkit,下出来看了一下,有个fortran版本,请问带这个和不带的有什么区别? XeO2 马猴烧酒 14 构建32位程...
Build status 功能 支持高精确的 Game Boy Advance 硬件[1]。支持 Game Boy/Game Boy Color 硬件。快...
and have no external dependencies. You can use your own MinGW installation, RubyInstaller DevKit, or TDM. Note that you will need Tcl installed for testing. What is done and what is missing --- Commands that use fork() to perform backgroud operations are implemented as foreground operations...
w64devkit 1.19.0 免安装C/C++开发组件 for x64 Windows w64devkit is a Dockerfile that builds from source a small, portable development suite for creating C and C++ applications on and for x64 Windows. See "Releases" for pre-built, ready-to-use kits. Included tools: Mingw-w64 GCC : co...
19:29:27 *** Rebuild of configuration Debug for project 3_c_onboard_LED_blink *** Info: Internal Builder is used for build i586-poky-linux-gcc "-IC:\\[...]\ide\\iotdk-ide-win/devkit-x86/sysroots/i586-poky-linux/usr/include" "-IC:\\[...]\\ide\\iotdk-ide-win/devkit-x86/...
友情提示用虚拟机安装的同学:win8只能用virtual box安装,不支持VMware。 泄露版特征信息 CRC32: 374EC90D MD5: 4480F94C0E11CE58DC9B7330678F07DD SHA-1: C09CDCEC2540D93EEBE650B521B2F7AE477A300A 关于Windows8 Web 界面沉浸式UI(Immersive UI): ...
Run npx nx reset Nx Report Node:20.10.0 OS:win32-x64 npm:9.7.1 nx:19.0.0 @nx/js:19.0.0 @nx/jest:19.0.0 @nx/linter:19.0.0 @nx/eslint:19.0.0 @nx/workspace:19.0.0 @nx/angular:19.0.0 @nx/devkit:19.0.0 @nx/eslint-plugin:19.0.0 ...