Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit
unable to initialize target machine information win32 error 0n87 这是一个旧版本已知的bug,更新WinDbg版本即可(具体在哪一个版本修复并不清楚,我使用Windows SDK 8.0自带的6.2.9200.16384版本)。
我目前正在尝试在Windbg (x64)中运行脚本。但是,我尝试读取的脚本超过1MB,因此,我收到错误消息“命令文件执行失败,Win32错误0n87.参数不正确”。有人知道如何在Windbg中增加限制,以便我可以传入10MB的脚本吗?谢谢!错误,如windbg中所示:Address Gen Heap segment begin0000000 浏览1提问于2020-09-16得票数 0 2回答...
Win32 error 0n87. The parameter is incorrect." I can also see a "Could not match Dump File signature" in the command window. Using Dumpchk (both 32 & 64 bit
I had a similar problem, a Win32 error 0n87, while trying to open a crash dump from a windows 8 machine, using an older version of WinDbg; updating to a newer version (in my case the one included in the wdk for win8) solved my problem; ...