IT之家 3 月 7 日消息,微软日前面向 Windows 11 发布了 KB5034848 更新,用户安装之后发现主屏幕上多了个“Learn about this Images”图标,帮助用户了解当前壁纸的相关背景信息。 微软在 Windows 11 更新中在桌面上添加了一个与 Spotlight 图像相关的小图标或快捷方式。 这个新图标看起来像一个小相机,图标名称为 ...
这个之前在Win10 锁屏状态才会出现,而这回微软直接把这个特性加到了系统壁纸上,点击这个按钮,可以了解...
这几天learn about this picture 这个桌面聚焦壁纸功能正常了,四张图片会更新且能自动更换 ...
这个learn about this picture 怎么删除 看着可难受了。 点击展开,查看完整图片 黑魆丶魆32n9 win 1 缎览张庸 天天空空 win 1 我也是这样啊,看着难受删不掉真服了 牵手一轮回 win 1 我把这个聚焦改称图片就没有了 宇宙苍蓝闪 win 1 超 终于解决了 这一两个月一直在用360删图标 可恶心死了 登录...
[System.Drawing.Icon]$resources.'$this.Icon') $Form1.SizeGripStyle = [System.Windows.Forms.SizeGripStyle]::Hide $Form1.Text = [System.String]'setupWin11' $Form1.add_Load($Form1_Load) ([System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize]$PictureBox1).EndInit() $Panel1.ResumeLayout($false) $Panel2....
1. Can you provide the link to the thread where you saw the report of this behavior with more T840 systems? 2. We do not have reports of this behavior in other systems, so we cannot confirm a driver bug; however, it is possible an issue with the drivers and the system you are usi...
Now, it’s time to talk about the methods to back up Windows 11. As described above, there are several applications built-in Microsoft Windows PC systems for backing up data and OS. Let’s learn them one by one. #1 OneDrive Microsoft OneDrive, formerly named SkyDrive, is a file hosting...
"Microsoft Learn","Dev 5":"Microsoft Tech Community","Dev 6":"Azure Marketplace","Dev 7":"AppSource","Dev 8":"Visual Studio","Company tab":"Company","Com 1":"Careers","Com 2":"About Microsoft","Com 3":"Company News","Com 4":"Privacy at Microsoft","Com 5":"Investors","...
When I switched the input source to DVI, the picture was back and I could restart my computer. I took the SSU readings of before and after 4672. Interesting, that the SSU is not able to identify my CPU? It is a Ryzen7 5800X....