win11的右键菜单经常遭人吐槽,为了简洁隐去了很多选项,必须要点查看更多选项才行。 今天,终于找到了解决方案! 禁用更多选项功能,下载下面的注册表文件,双击运行就好了,然后重启电脑。 Disable_Show_more_options_context_menu.reg 620· 百度网盘 如果你想还原win11默认样式,用下面的文件,方法同上。 Enable_Show_more...
开发者不适配用户就没得用,用户你还想要果子给你做向前兼容的“show moreoptions”?
Win11打开病毒防护功能时提示“页面不可用的解决办法:方法一:1、按“Win+X”,选择“终端管理员”,运行以下命令reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender" /v "DisableAntiSpywa +4 分享回复2 xbox手柄吧 luru0151 各位大佬,请问XBOX精英手柄在win11XBOX附件里不显示是咋回事?如题...
5个DWORD值对应的数据如下图所示,修改完成后重启电脑即可结果展示打开电脑进入win11桌面,在桌面的空白处点击鼠标右键在弹出的菜单中点击 show more options 在弹出的菜单中即可看到刷新选项注意也可以直接按键盘。1Win+R输入 regedit ,打开注册表编辑器 2以此展开 HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareClassesCLSID...
.\Win11Debloat.ps1 -RemoveApps -DisableBing -Silent 实际演示 现在就用PowerShell演示 1.打开PowerShell 开始--->搜索PowerShell--->已管理员身份运行 2.执行命令 复制 & ([scriptblock]::Create((irm"https://win11debloat.raphi.re/"))) 鼠标右键粘贴 ...
This should be delivered to servers as an automatic update that provides a one-click setting to push into GPO's to disable access for end users to run major version upgrades. Sys Admins need time to test, test, and test again before such major things can roll out. To just give it to...
.\Win11Debloat.ps1-RemoveApps-DisableBing-Silent 实际演示 现在就用PowerShell演示 1.打开PowerShell 开始--->搜索PowerShell--->已管理员身份运行 2.执行命令 复制 代码语言:javascript 复制 &([scriptblock]::Create((irm"https://win11debloat.raphi.re/"))) ...
If so, can you show me the error message? https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/sdk-archive/ Could you please check for your windows updates and ensure that all pending windows updates have been installed and completed, reboot machine...
I would prefer to move some options such as copy as path or compress to zip file under the show more options button instead... How to re-arrange the order of the right click drop down menu. in Windows 10 Gaming How to re-arrange the order of the right click drop down menu.: The...