so those are in theBattery Immediatefolder. Then replicated the bug we've had before and put those inBattery In Backgroundfolder. I've been going back to Google Chrome and looking at a bunch of tabs and waiting for it to hang and crash each time for those. Part of me wonders if the...
path = /home/<user_name>/<folder_name> available = yes valid users = <user_name> read only = no browsable = yes public = yes writable = yes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 我的命令大概是下面这个样子(图7): 图7 不用多解释了吧,改成自己的配置就行了。注意valid users 写之前新建的...
Executed command: “D:\vs2022\Win11SDK_WindowsPerformanceToolkit,version=10.0.22621.2,productarch=neutral\winsdkinstaller.exe” SetupExe=winsdksetup.exe LogFile=“C: \Users\limin\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20231116202100_565...
Firstly, press theWindows + Ikeys to openSettings. Then, navigate toAccountsand selectFamily & other usersfrom the right pane. Now, clickAdd accountin theOther usersection. Next, selectAdd a user without a Microsoft accountto create a user without email/password. Then,setyour new user inform...
I get that error whenever I try to install an SDK, this is probably related to the installation folder being set to disk I: (which doesn’t exist anymore), but I did change the registry to disk C: and I st...
- Hide the 3D objects folder under 'This pc' in windows explorer. (Windows 10 only) - Hide duplicate removable drive entries from the Windows explorer navigation pane. Taskbar - Align taskbar icons to the left. (Windows 11 only) - Hide or change the search icon/box on the taskbar. (Win...
After the installation is complete, you can launch the application from the Start menu or by double-clicking on the desktop shortcut, if one was created during the installation. If you encounter any issues during the installation process, such as missing files or compatibility issues, refer to ...
hi ! as the new start menu in win11 does not allow to build groups of apps i tried to build the groups i had in my win10' startmenu by grouping app-links in folders at my desktop this works ... Mousefluff Iron Contributor
To fix the crash issue, you can try these ways one by one until everything is working again. If your PC fails to log in to the desktop, you should boot the PC to enter WinRE or Safe Mode and try these fixes. To run Windows to Safe Mode, you can prepare a repair disk, set it...