ECHO Prop5=31,%%~I >> "%temp%\desktop.ini" ( echo set shell = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) echo set folder = shell.NameSpace^("%cd%"^) echo folder.MoveHere "%temp%\desktop.ini", 4+16+1024 )>"%temp%\updateTag.vbs" cscript //nologo //b "%temp%\updateTag.vbs" ATTRI...
Windows deleted existing files when moving desktop location: I built a new desktop and did a fresh install of windows on a new drive. I also had my old drives installed on the system, so I right clicked 'Desktop' folder and went to properties and moved it to my existing Desktop on my...
Refer to "" for error information.Last Setup Phase:Phase Name: FinalizePhase Started: 2023/6/19 18:57:45Phase Ended: 0001/1/1 0:00:00Phase Time Delta: 00:00:00Completed Successfully? FalseLast Setup Operation:...
version=10.0.22621.5,productarch=neutral\winsdkinstaller.exe” SetupExe=winsdksetup.exe LogFile=“C:\Users\syx\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_setup_20240304143641_434_Win11SDK_10.0.22621.log” SetupLogFolder=windowssdk CeipSetting
4 终端cd ~/Desktop进入到桌面,在cd至vmware-tools-distrib目录,sudo ./,按提示一步步重装VMware tools。 5安装完毕,点击左边文件管理器->other location( 实际是终端下的根目录)->computer->mnt->hgfs,此时可以看到win11共享目录ShareFolder了。
Location:Philippines Views:119434 2024-04-22 21:01:56 Re:New istallation of win11 on TP X1 11th Gen Hi cemowicz and welcome to community forums! It seems like you're having trouble with the driver infusion process. Here are a few steps you can try: ...
Describe what you noticed and did To run the program either add "--disable-gpu" to the command-line or enable the "force usage of custom dummy Manifest files" option. Run Signal Desktop on Win11 and re-enable the network adapter or conne...
By default, it backs up all folders including desktop, documents, pictures, music, downloads, OneDrive, etc. in the user account folder (C: /Users/account name). Most importantly, File History backup can automatically back up any file that has been changed or added, which is similar to Ti...
But the point was, EVETHING WORKED. Also the Indexlocation is same place like User1 (funnily in User1 Folder). So the Data inside the Index seems valid. But something is messing up the output of user 1. THX also for the Link. I made what was written there and executed also the PS-...
Step 1: If the photos folder is located on the desktop, try to create another folder and copy all the content to the newly created folder and add this folder for slideshow and check. Step 2: Try to create new folder if different location and copy all the content to the newly created ...