在win10下使用管理员权限打开cmd,输入如下命令注意:其中的connectaddress和connectport请根据实际修改 netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenaddress= listenport=445connectaddress= connectport=8888 查看是否设置成功 netsh interface portproxy show all 设置成功示例 3、开启smb低...
Check the Print Server Properties: Go to the Print Server Properties and make sure that the printer is shared and the share name is correct. If none of the above steps help, try to add the printer as a local printer and then connect to it as a network printer. ...
6) With new pictures, again, connect via USB cable, a digital camera to Win11 - Surface Book 3 7) Power on the camera, then select pop-up notice re: 'things to do with this device' > Import pictures to computer (not onedrive) Bug #1a: Observe the ...
I set it up connected to my work MS365 account and set up PIN for easier login to the machine. When I log in with the MS password, no problems with mapped drives. When I log in with PIN, it cannot connect to the mapped drives. I've tried removing all saved Windows Credentials and...
为了提高一致性,已将Connect App的名称更新为“无线显示(WirelessDisplay)”。此App是按需功能(FOD),可以通过转到“设置”>“应用”>“可选功能”>“添加可选功能”来启用。 将“设置”中的“应用和功能”拆分为“应用”下的“已安装应用”和“高级应用设置”两个页面。 当右键单击文件资源管理器中的驱动器时,...
To clone the disk, simply connect the old drive to the new computer, either internally or through a USB adapter, and employ a cloning tool like Macrium Reflect or Acronis. Upon the initial boot on the new machine, be prepared for a slight delay as it installs...
你不能访问此共享文件夹,因为你组织的安全策略阻止未经身份验证的来宾访问。这些策略可帮助保护你的电脑免受网络上不安全设备或恶意设备的威胁。 报这个错是因为Win10或Server2019或更高版本系统禁止了Guest访问smb https://superuser.com/questions/1280365/can-not-connect-to-share-system-error-1272 ...