If you can install it successfully, please return VS Installer to retry or repair your installation. If the manual installation still fails, Please delete the following package cache folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Win11SDK_10.0.22000,version=10.0.22000.4,product...
2、以管理员身份启动命令提示符,一定要是管理员身份!!! 3、定位到安装目录的bin目录下,执行命令mysqld -install和mysqld --initialize。 4、两条命令执行完毕以后,在MySQL的安装目录下会出现一个data文件夹。在data文件夹中有一个以.err结尾的文件。 用记事本打开.err文件,文件中存储了数据库的临时密码。也可以...
If you can install it successfully, please return VS Installer to retry or repair your installation. If the manual installation still fails, Please delete the following package cache folder: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\...