WiNRADiO E..一个有趣的小工具,可以查找干扰短波的家电
WiNRADiO Communications - Pioneering Software Defined Radio - Manufacturers of SDR Systems for Professional Radio Surveillance and Amateur Applications
WinRadio 更高性能的 SDR 型号历来零售价超过 2000 美元。 以下详细信息直接取自 Winradio WR-G69DDCe 产品页面: 概述 WiNRADiO WR-G69DDC ‘Artemis’是一款高性能、软件定义、宽带、超快搜索速度 3 GHz/s、HF/VHF/UHF/SHF 接收器。提供了两个独立且互斥的输入,每个范围一个:8 kHz 至 80 MHz 和 43 ...
2,736 questions 1 answerOne of the answers was accepted by the question author. Drawing Check Box and Radio controls on a CDialogEx for Dark Mode (Win32) If I switch off the theme for my checkbox / radio controls with: SetWindowTheme(hControl, L" ", L" "); I then get the text colo...
WiNRADiO Communications - Pioneering PC Radio - Manufacturers of PC-based Radio Receiver Systems for Professional Radio Surveillance and Amateur Applications
2,734 questions 1 answerOne of the answers was accepted by the question author. Drawing Check Box and Radio controls on a CDialogEx for Dark Mode (Win32) If I switch off the theme for my checkbox / radio controls with: SetWindowTheme(hControl, L" ", L" "); I then get the text colo...
WiNRADiO WR-G35DDCi Excalibur Ultra是一款高性能、直接采样、软件定义的超宽带短波接收机,频率范围为1 kHz至45 MHz。它包括一个实时45 MHz宽频谱分析仪和3...
供应:美国 Winradio 无线电通信设备,WiNRADiO Communications是Robotron公司Radixon Group的一个部门,成立于1991年,旨在将无线电通信领域多年的研究成果商业化。WiNRADiO 通信部门,一个完全致力于无线电创新的部门 通信技术,成立于1996年,由WiNRADiO产品系列取得了巨
WiNRADiO Communications - Pioneering Software Defined Radio - Manufacturers of SDR Systems for Professional Radio Surveillance and Amateur Applications
标准版解调器提供了高质量的短波接收机性能,包括同步AM解调和实时频谱显示;专业级解调器除此之外还提供连续中频滤波器带宽调节(1Hz增量)、带有2个额外的音频频谱显示的交互式方块图、还提供内置的THD和SINAD测量功能。 万瑞还将推出各种附加的解调器作为选件,如DRM(Digital Radio Mondiale)解调器。