1 步骤一总结:1、开机按F2进入bios2、将secure boot选项下面的secure boot enable修改成disable3、将os ptimized defaults的enable改成disable。4、将boot mode里面的uefi改成legacy only,CSM的disable改成enable5、将硬盘的ata drive setup的硬盘模式改成ahci6、保存退出 2 步骤二总结:1、按F12进入启动菜单,选...
4、Secure Boot安全启动设置关闭Secure boot status选项,即安全启动。另外,我们还要注意CSM和安全启动的冲突问题,鉴于此,通常情况下我们会将其设置为“disable”让它处于关闭状态下。 三、进入pe进行分区和4K对齐 1、重启后选择进入pe桌面,打开分区工具 2、进入分区界面后,点击“快速分区”,在弹出的窗口中勾选“GUID...
百度网盘:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1lFC2UUASH81TEcTG8RdFSg 提取码: 0851 - - - - - - - ...
https://github.com/xairy/unlockdown unlockdown This repo demonstrates some ways to disable or bypass kernel lockdown on Ubuntu (and some other) kernels without physical access to the machine, essentially bypassing this security feature. (Updated 21.03.2020.) At this point, all proposed bypass ...
OS SELECT FOR DRAM>64MB(设定OS2使用内存容量)如果正在使用OS/2系统并且系统内存大于64MB,则该项应为Enable,否则高于64MB的内存无法使用,一般情况下为Disable.; HDD S.M.A.R.T. capability(硬盘自我检测)此选项可以用来自动检测硬盘的工作性能,如果硬盘即将损坏,那么硬盘自我检测程序会发出警报。 REPORT NO FDD ...
NoteDepending on the version of Windows that you are using, there are different updates that you must have installed to correctly disable the Autorun functionality: To disable the Autorun functionality in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008, you must have security update950582i...
It will also disable JavaScript on // selected websites. CHECK_FAILURE(m_webView->add_NavigationStarting( Callback<ICoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventHandler>( [this](ICoreWebView2* sender, ICoreWebView2NavigationStartingEventArgs* args) -> HRESULT { wil::unique_cotaskmem_string uri; CHECK_...
IsInPrivateModeEnabled property is to enable/disable InPrivate mode.public HRESULT get_IsInPrivateModeEnabled(BOOL * value) get_ProfileNameProfileName property is to specify a profile name, which is only allowed to contain the following ASCII characters....
SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL 此值仅在设置滚动条的参数时使用。 如果滚动条的新参数使滚动条变得不必要,请禁用滚动条,而不是将其删除。 SIF_PAGE nPage成员包含比例滚动条的页面大小。 SIF_POS nPos成员包含滚动框位置,当用户拖动滚动框时不会更新该位置。
updates you might need.If problems continue, disableor remove any newly installed hardware or software.Disable BIOS memory options such ascachingor shadowing.If you need tousesafeModeto remove ordisable components, restart your computer,press F8 toselectAdvancedstartup options, andthenselectSafeMode ...