右键单击选择run as administrator,因为尽管你登陆的是admin账户,但是为了保护安全windows7版本及以后默认仍然赋予的是普通用户权限,需要手动选择以管理员模式运行。
1 schtasks 命令简述: 安排命令和程序,使其定期运行或在指定时间运行。向计划中添加任务和从中删除任务、根据需要启动和停止任务以及显示和更改计划的任务。 在进行schtasks 这个计划任务命令的参数详解之前,先简要提出以下几点:2 SchTasks.exe 执行的操作类似于“控制面板”中“计划任务”中的操作。可以使用两种...
Had previous version installed. Describe the bug running either ; iwr -useb https://christitus.com/win | iex or irm christitus.com/win | iex Chocolatey Version choco : The term 'choco' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,...
AS_NON_PACKAGED_SERVICE 0x80073D27套件安裝失敗,因為服務版本存在於 .msix/.appx 套件之外。 請連絡您的軟體廠商。 ERROR_PACKAGED_SERVICE_ REQUIRES_ADMIN_PRIVILEGES 0x80073D28套件安裝失敗,因為需要系統管理員許可權。 請連絡系統管理員以安裝此套件。
18、xe > restart iis admin service 重启iis服务internat.exe > keyboard language indicator applet 键盘语言指示器ipconfig.exe > windows 2000 ip configuration. 察看ip配置ipsecmon.exe > ip security monitor ip安全监视器ipxroute.exe > ipx routing and source routing control program ipx路由和源路由控制程序...
WinRM isn't dependent on any other service exceptWinHttp. If the IIS Admin Service is installed on the same computer, then you might see messages that indicate that WinRM can't be loaded before Internet Information Services (IIS). However, WinRM doesn't actually depend on IIS...
Step 1: Press Windows+X to show the menu, and choose Command Prompt (Admin) in it.Step 2: Select Yes in the User Account Control window.Way 2: Make it via the context menu.Step 1: Search cmd, right-click Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator on the menu.Step 2: Tap Yes...
在if __name__ == '__main__':语句中,我们调用了run_as_admin函数来获取管理员权限并执行某些操作。 执行需要管理员权限的操作 一旦我们获取了管理员权限,就可以执行一些需要管理员权限的操作了。比如,我们可以修改系统注册表、创建服务等。 下面是一个使用pywin32修改系统注册表的示例代码: ...
Execute the powershell scripts and configure kerberos as shown herhere # cat /etc/krb5.conf [logging] default = FILE:/var/log/krb5libs.log kdc = FILE:/var/log/krb5kdc.log admin_server = FILE:/var/log/kadmind.log [libdefaults] default_realm = TEST.COM dns_lookup_realm = true dns_loo...
If you run as admin you get: C:\Windows\system32> Look for search box (bottom left) and type in cmd and when a window pops up RightClick on command prompt and select: Run as administrator 1 person found this reply helpful Was this reply helpful? Yes No coppens1 Author...