单击“是”。 现在,除最新还原点之外的所有系统还原点均已清理。 因此,硬盘中将有更多的可用空间。
My plan was to (1) Reformat the drive, (2) Restore the backup I'd made earlier. Then I'd be in the state of simply having those files be lost. However, I decided to try and delete the common parent folder of all the files. I fully expected it to fail because if I can't...
如果呼叫線程已啟用SE_RESTORE_NAME許可權,從 Windows Vista 開始,金鑰會以ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY、DELETE 和KEY_WRITE訪問許可權開啟。 如果啟用這兩個許可權,金鑰會同時擁有這兩個許可權的合併訪問許可權。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱以特殊許可權執行。
正在为备份或还原操作打开或创建该文件。 当进程具有SE_BACKUP_NAME和SE_RESTORE_NAME特权时,系统可确保调用进程替代文件安全检查。 有关详细信息,请参阅更改令牌中的特权。 必须设置此标志才能获取目录的句柄。 目录句柄可以传递给某些函数,而不是文件句柄。 有关详细信息,请参阅“备注”部分。
如果调用线程启用了SE_RESTORE_NAME特权,从 Windows Vista 开始,则会使用 ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY、DELETE 和 KEY_WRITE 访问权限打开密钥。 如果启用这两个权限,则密钥具有这两个权限的组合访问权限。 有关详细信息,请参阅使用特殊特权运行。 REG_OPTION_CREATE_LINK ...
2024/11/20 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 返回值 要求 创建或打开文件或 I/O 设备。 此函数的行为与CreateFile相同,只不过此函数遵循通用 Windows 平台应用安全模型。 语法 C++复制 WINSTORAGEAPI HANDLECreateFileFromAppW( LPCWSTR lpFileName, DWORD dwDesiredAccess, DWORD dwShareMode, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurit...
Disable system restore points Offload user profile and program file directories to another volume on the system. Update 1 From TechNet Blogs:One of the largest changes between previous versions of Windows was a move from an INF described OS tocomponentization. All of the components in the operatin...
Disable system restore points Offload user profile and program file directories to another volume on the system. Update 1 From TechNet Blogs:One of the largest changes between previous versions of Windows was a move from an INF described OS tocomponentization. All of the components in the operatin...
Restore files with data recovery tools:Depending on the situation (quality of ransomware infection, type of encryption algorithm used, etc.), restoring data with certain third-party tools might be possible. Therefore, we advise you to use the Recuva tool developed by CCleaner. This tool supports...
重启电脑,并在启动过程中按下特定键(通常是F2、F10、F12或Delete)进入BIOS设置。在BIOS设置中,选择“Load Optimal Defaults”或“Restore User Defaults”恢复出厂设置。保存设置并退出BIOS。检查BIOS设置中的启动顺序:确保系统硬盘被设置为第一启动设备。如果不确定如何更改引导顺序,请参考主板或电脑用户...