This may be due to the log being cleared or rolling over after the query result was created. Users should handle this code by releasing the query result object and reissuing the query. ERROR_EVT_QUERY_RESULT_INVALID_POSITION 15012 (0x3AA4) Query result is currently at an invalid position....
这个功能通常用在Ctrl键被锁定的情况下,比如 cmd ,Terminal 这类命令行终端中。 Ctrl+Shift+Esc 以往我们打开任务管理器窗口用的快捷组合键是 Ctrl+Alt+Delete,通过打开的“安全选项”来选择进入任务管理器,或者直接鼠标右键点击任务栏空白处选择打开任务管理器。其实,我们可以直接通过Ctrl+Shift+Esc 打开,单手就可以...
1.windos @echo off set logFile=E:\DELETE_FILES.log set FILE_PATH=E:\ORCL_BACKUP set FILE_PATH_02=E:\ORCL_BACKUP\TEST echo --- Delete Expired Files --- >> %logFile% echo Start (%date% %time%) >> %logFile% echo 删除文件夹 %FILE_PATH% 下过期 (30days) 的文件, Please wait....
mysql> drop table binlog_table; #删库 mysql> drop database binlog; ***恢复数据到delete之前 #查看binlog事件 mysql> show binlog event in 'mysql-bin.000013'; #使用mysqlbinlog来查看 [root@db01 data]# mysqlbinlog /application/mysql/data/mysql-bin.000013 [root@db01 data]# mysqlbinlog /...
1. Manually delete Windows Update download files Press the Windows and S keys at the same time. Inputservicesin the search utility. Click Services to open that window. Right-click the Windows Update service and selectStop. OpenFile Explorerby clicking its Windows 10 taskbar button. ...
delete_archive: yes # 在解压缩完成后,删除压缩文件 (默认是 no) # Unzip .zip file, recursively decompresses the contained .gz files and removes all unneeded compressed files after completion. - name: Unzip and decompress all GZipped log files hosts: all gather_facts: no ta...
If you want to report a problem, it'd be of great help if you could also attach a full debug log. To do this, you will need to use the debug versions of the drivers; copy the files in Debug\x64 or Debug\x86 into x64 or x86. You will also need to set the registry entries ...
1、卸载过后删除C:\Program Files (x86)\MySQL该目录下剩余了所有文件,把mysql文件夹也删了;C:\Program Files \MySQL中的文件同样也要删除 2、删除C盘下的C:\ProgramData\MySQL所有文件,如果删除不了则用360粉碎掉即可,该programData文件是隐藏的默认,设置显示后即可见,或直接在文件中搜索 ...
stop-service BaradAgentSvc2>&1>$nullstop-service StargateSvc2>&1>$nullstop-service YDLive2>&1>$nullstop-service YDService2>&1>$nullstop-service tatsvc2>&1>$nullwrite-host>c:\windows\ipconfig_xen_vm.ini del"C:\Program Files\Cloudbase Solutions\Cloudbase-Init\log\*"2>$nulldel"C:\Progr...
删除D盘下的D:\Program Files\MySQL\ 5. 4.删除注册表中的服务信息 运行“regedit”文件,打开注册表。 .删除注册表相关文件 删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\Eventlog\Application\MySQL文件夹 删除HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Services\Eventlog\Application\MySQL文件夹。