The “Visual” has always related to the visual UI designer for building front ends. But there is no productive equivalent to the WinForms UI designer for MAUI (XAML), Blazor (HTTP/CSS), WinUI (XAML), nor WPF (XAML). And all three XAML-based UI formats use different, ...
Apart from @{execute}, @{shell_exec} is the Swiss-Army-Knife of Windows process creation. The first parameter is the 'action' or 'verb' to apply to the path; common actions are 'open', 'edit' and 'print'. Notice that these are the actions defined in Explorer (hence the word 'shel...
GUI applications do not have a console so @{print} does not work. @{show_message} will put up a message box to bother users. Here is the old favourite, system message boxes: print(winapi.show_message("Message","stuff\nand nonsense","yes-no","warning")) ...
ASP Dream 很方便的插入ASP语句,具有向导模式 Ultra Close Window 直接关闭窗口,不弹出确认关闭的对话框 flat_button 用CSS改变了样式的文本框或按钮 format_css_4 规范化代码,附带若干选项设置。 explore 在DW的Site窗口中选中文件夹后在右键菜单中添加一条“在资源管理器中打开...”的命令 立即下载 上传者:...
werkzeug 0.16.0 The Swiss Army knife of Python web development wheel 0.33.6 A built-package format for Python. widgetsnbextension 3.5.1 IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter winpython 2.1.20191018 WinPython distribution tools, including WPPM (package manager) wordcloud 1.5.0 A little word cloud gener...
guiqwt 3.0.3 (Efficient curve/image plotting and other GUI tools for scientific data processing software development) h5py 2.9.0 (General-purpose Python interface to HDF5 files (unlike PyTables, h5py provides direct access to the full HDF5 C library)) heapdict 1.0.0 (a heap with decrease-key...
sparklemotion/nokogiri Nokogiri (鋸) is a Rubygem providing HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parsers with XPath and CSS selector support. 5.5 Java 08/14 69zouzg/mybatis-generator-gui mybatis-generator界面工具,让你生成代码更简单更快捷 5.4k Java 05/17 70lenve/VBlog V部落,Vue+SpringBoot...
You must do this if integrating winapi with GUI toolkits such as wxLua or IUP.The basic rule for callbacks enforced by winapi is that only one may be active at a time; otherwise we would risk re-entering Lua on another thread, using the same Lua state. So be quick when responding ...