Win32 Error Code和NTSTATUS位域组成相同,但Win32 Error Code的取值范围只能在0x00000000---0x0000FFFF Win32 Error Code和COM Error Code,在高2位定义不同,设备来源值可能一样,但代表的设备不一样,设备来源值位数也不一样,但它们又可以互相转换。它们实际上的定义都是LONG型的,都是通过相关的API函数返回值返回...
win10系统蓝屏提示error code:0xc00000e9的解决方法 error code:0xc00000e9蓝屏被被称为死亡(BSOD)的蓝屏或“发生意外的I / O错误”的错误。这不是一个很常见的问题,但是最近win10系统出现这个错误的机率直线上升。错误代码0xc00000e9是在Windows 10启动过程中出现的,意味着PC用户无法使用PC。此蓝色屏幕显示“...
Most values also have a default message defined, which can be used to map the value to a human-readable text message; when this is done, the Win32 error code is also known as a message identifier. The following table specifies the values and corresponding meanings of the Win32 error ...
1、启动电脑开机程序后,电脑会进入疑难解答界面。2、点击该界面上的“恢复电脑功能,启动电脑修复命令。3、进入修复界面后,输入Bootrec /RebuildBcd,若能够运行Bootrec,即可看见想的安装路径,此时系统选入BCD即可。4、若Bootrec不能运行,输 入以下命令: Bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup 回车,ren c...
Win32 Error Codes The following table provides a list of Win32 error codes. Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Description The operation completed successfully. Incorrect function. The system cannot find the file specified. The system cannot find the path specified. The system cannot open ...
Error code: 0xc0000098 可以尝试以下步骤来修复:重启电脑,并在启动时按F8或Shift+F8连续点击,进入高级启动选项。选择“修复你的电脑”选项,然后进入“疑难解答”。在“疑难解答”中选择“高级选项”。选择“命令提示符”。在命令提示符中输入以下命令并按Enter键执行:bootrec /fixmbr执行完毕后,继续...
Err_6.4.5.exe <error code> 备注 在此命令中,<错误代码>表示要查找的十六进制代码。 示例 Windows 命令提示符 C:\Tools>Err_6.4.5.exec000021a#forhex0xc000021a/decimal-1073741286STATUS_SYSTEM_PROCESS_TERMINATEDntstatus.h # {FatalSystemError} #The%hssystemprocessterminatedunexpectedlywitha #sta...
按Enter可重试 按F1进入恢复环境 按F8以指定启动设置 按Esc以指定UEFI固件设置 错误代码:0xc000000e 重装系统后重启电脑就出现了:你的电脑/设备需要修复,未连接或无法访问所需设备。这个无法连接设备。有三种原因:一,系统启动文件损坏,丢失,驱动程序出错。二、接触不良。三、设备故障。按不同的原因,一一排除...
A system call that should never fail has failed. This is a generic error code, returned under various conditions. Returned when a system call that should never fail does fail. For example, if a call toWaitForMultipleEventsfails or one of the registry functions fails trying to manipulate the ...
Not the snappiest of titles though if you are debugging Win32 applications, COM servers or just see a random error code in your event log these two mapges may be of help...HRESULT Values Win32 Error CodesI'll try and come up with something more interesting for the next post...Jason...