【文章摘要】有时系统右下角出现消息,提示说“NVIDIAcontrolpanelisnotfound”,翻译过来就是英伟达控制面板未找到,实际上一般显卡驱动装好之后英伟达控制面板应该也就装好了,如果没有装好可以到应用商店重新安装一下。 有时系统右下角出现消息,提示说“NVIDIA control panel is not found”,翻译过来就是英伟达控制面板...
解决方法一: 我们在开始菜单旁边的搜索框搜索“微软商店”或者“Microsoft store”,进入到微软商店中,在win10商店搜索“NVIDIA Control Panel”下载安装即可,安装好之后就可以找到控制面板了。 解决方法二: 卸载显卡驱动,找NVIDIA官方网站下载对应自己显卡型号的驱动程序,并进行安装。 以上就是装机之家分享的Win10右下角...
在开始菜单中打开【微软商店】,一般显示的是【Microsoft store】,进入到微软商店中搜索【NVIDIA Control Panel】然后下载安装就可以了。
Shutdown Unloads programs and DLLs to the point where it is safe to turn off the computer. Win32Shutdown Provides the full set of shutdown options supported by Windows operating systems. Win32ShutdownTracker Provides the same set of shutdown options supported by the Win32Shutdown method in ...
This parameter is not supported. Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP/2000: The user should control this setting through the Control Panel. SPI_GETSHOWSOUNDS 0x0038 Determines whether the Show Sounds accessibility flag is on or off. If it is on, the user requires an application to present ...
Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.Preview.InstallControl Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities Windows.ApplicationModel.UserActivities.Core Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.Provider Windows.ApplicationModel.UserDataAccounts.SystemAccess ...
If you know where it is, it would be great if you could post the link, thanks I cannot provide the URL, sorry: it's an ADP page that requires to be logged in, so it would not work on your end. However, the link I posted above (Flash Player Issues | Windows 10 | Interne...
I've read through this whole thread (and a few others) and everyone is saying to go get the driver from the prolific site, although I think that's now been taken down, as every link takes me back to the site index. If I search on their site for drivers, I can go to the inf...
Select the directory where the WinTAK plugins are is installed. In my case it was located atC:\Program Files\WinTAK\Plugins\ Congratulations we have set up a basic Dev environment for WinTAK!!! Code Snippets Now We can start adding code. ...
IsLunchTime - 过滤午餐时间(12:00 PM至 1:00 PM)的记录。 IsSameHour - 过滤恰好发生在指定时间(例如,2 PM)的记录。 IsSameMinute - 过滤恰好发生在指定的小时和分钟(2:35 PM)的记录。 TimeOnlyFromParts - 返回具有指定精度(小时、分钟、[秒]、[毫秒])的指定时间的时间值。