代码: @(set '(=)||' <# lean and mean cmd / powershell hybrid #> @'::# Get 11 on 'unsupported' PC via Windows Update or mounted ISO (no patching needed)::# if WU is stuck use windows_update_refresh.bat; Beta/Dev needs OfflineInsiderEnroll::# V9+ rebased on cmd due to defen...
You can check what version of .NET is installed by running the following powershell command: Get-ChildItem 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP' -Recurse | Get-ItemProperty -Name version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -Match '^(?!S)\p{L}' } |...
UPDATE: We updated Win + X so that if Windows Terminal is installed the menu will include Terminal, and in cases where Windows Terminal is uninstalled, it will display Windows PowerShell with Build 22593, now available in the Dev and Beta Channels:https://aka.ms/WIP2259...
注意在 Windows Vista 中,此函数只是SHGetKnownFolderPath的包装器。 CSIDL 值转换为其关联的KNOWNFOLDERID,然后调用SHGetKnownFolderPath。 新应用程序应使用已知的文件夹系统,而不是较旧的 CSIDL 系统,后者仅出于向后兼容性而受支持。 语法 C++复制 SHFOLDERAPISHGetFolderPathA( [in] HWND hwnd, [in]intcsidl, [in]...
只要几步就能搞定,非常方便注册账号,安装Docker 获取Redis 运行Redis OK 安装Docker 1、注册一个Docker账号 2、下载并安装Docker ?...name myredis -p6379:6379 -v /d/dockerdata/redis/data:/data redis-server...
07-04-2023 11:31 AM 5,468 Views Solved Jump to solution Hi,I tried to install the WiFi-22.230.0-Driver64-Win10-Win11 through the intel driver and support assistant.During installation a bluescreen appeared and the Notebook restarted.Now the driver is not installed and everytime...
elachlanadded the📭 waiting-author-feedbackThe team requires more information from the authorlabelMar 11, 2024 Author jaliyaudagedaracommentedMar 12, 2024 @elachlan, I am extremely sorry for the delay in responding. Hmm, that's interesting. This is what I am seeing. ...
在%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (machine) 或 %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs (user) 中创建 如果更新更改了你的视觉元素清单或其引用的资产,那么更新程序或安装程序应更新快捷方式,以便重新解析清单并更新缓存的资产。
If you’ve used the DirectX SDK with past versions of Visual Studio, the Visual Studio 2010 upgrade might have migrated the DirectX SDK path into your default project settings. It is recommended that you remove these settings to prevent future build errors. In the%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\...
Where is the DirectX SDK? Games for Windows Summary of Games Requirements Customer Benefits Computer games are a key entertainment experience on Windows, but ease-of-use concerns have caused customer frustration over the years. Traditionally, games are installed like applications, but they ...